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So Guys... Rye and Cassidy get married and have 2 children.
Asher and Andy get married with 2 children.
Brook and Caroline are married with 1 child.
Jack and Layla are married and have adopted two children.
Katherine and Mikey have got married and 2 children.
Izzy and Liam got together what a surprise 😂
That's it really all the names of children and ages will be in the sequel...

I'm writing a sequel!!! About their children it will be an Instagram/social media one. I don't think many will read it as it is obviously a sequel RT will still be in it just not as much!!! It will be called Roadtrip Sequel-The children of the boys- Social media.

Roadtrip Social media ❤️Rye Beaumont fanfic 🐝Where stories live. Discover now