Finally Saved- Chapter 4

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Thanks for reading and voting. Enjoy the chapter.

Picture of Luke Matthews played by Alex Pettyfer on the side --->

[Sorry for any spelling and grammar mistakes]

Inspirational quote of the day-

"Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!"

-Anne Frank


Chapter Four

Luke's POV

Punching the punching bag, I whipped my hair out of my face and continued to punch the heck out of the bag not even breaking a sweat. Training was the most important thing in my life, the gym was like my happy place, and it was my second home. Hands were placed on the side of the bag stopping the punching bag from swaying back and forth. Ignoring the hands, I continued to punch the bag like the hands weren't even there.

"If you continue to punch the heck out of this thing the bag will fall out of the ceiling it's connected to" My best friend David joked, poking his head around the bag.

Ignoring him, I continued to punch the bag. There was so much anger in me that I couldn't stop now. I needed to continue to let this frustration out.

Sighing, David released his hands and went to the side of the bag, studying me.

"Did you tell him yet?" My other best friend Josh asked walking into the room.

"No not yet, he just keeps punching the punching bag" David replied.

"Well that is the purpose of a punching bag David" I replied, chuckling.

Taking a break from training, I took off my gloves and threw them to the ground. I might as well take a break since these two keep interrupting me. They knew that I needed to train since I will be the next alpha in only a matter of weeks. I guess what they needed to tell me was important; if not I will probably rip their heads off.

"What is it?" I asked, picking up my water bottle and taking a sip.

Glancing at each other they looked over at me, "There's a new family that moved in to the house next to ours" Josh said.

Swallowing my water I place the bottle on the ground, and looked at them with an eyebrow raised.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"A girl our age, and her father. David, Lily, Daren, Amanda and I saw them making their way into the house when we came back from checking the territory" Josh said, taking a seat on the ground.

"Are they human?" I asked, following Josh's lead and taking a seat on the floor.

"The girl smelt human, but her father had a strange scent about him I couldn't really place what it was" David said.

Confused I clicked my tongue on the bridge of my mouth.

Weird, if the girl was human than why would her father have a scent to him?

"Did you look into it?" I asked.

Looking at each other they both turned back towards me.

"We think you should look into it alpha, this girl seemed different and her father since we couldn't scent him out we figured maybe you could" David said.

Nodding my head I agreed with them. They were right, since I have the most powerful scenes I could figure out about these people.

"I'll look into it now" I said

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