Finally Saved-Chapter 15

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Hey guys thanks for the comments and votes. This chapter is dedicated to @lana_knowles the funniest comment challenge, it really made me laugh. Keep them coming. Anyway back to the story.


[Sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes]

Inspirational quote of the day-

"It always seems impossible until it's done."

-Nelson Mandela


Previously in Finally Saved-

"So, now that you guys are done being babies can we get back to the real situation at hand please"

Turning back to Willow I nodded. "Alright, so Luke what are you going to do about this book thing and Hailey? How are you going to have her admit?"

I thought about that for a minute until a fantastic idea came into my mind. I knew this idea was going to work because it involved Hailey's favorite thing in the whole world.

"I'm going to involve Hailey's weakness, books themselves"


Hailey's POV

The first three periods flew by very quickly and I am currently sitting in the library finishing off City of Ashes. I am so excited to move along to the third book, City of Glass. This series just keeps you on your toes, I'll tell you that.

I'm at the end of the book where Clary saves Jace and he wakes up and she tells him that he's not her brother and he says I know. Gosh I'm so close to tears, this story is such a beautiful thing to read. I just heard from the librarian that it was going to be a tv show on ABC Family. I was jumping up and down but than composed myself. If only I could see it.

"Do you mind?" Looking up, I saw Luke standing next to the table nodding to the chair. Shaking my head, I watched as he pulled out the chair and sat down.

"Your still reading those City of Bones books?"Looking up from my book I nodded my head. I needed to be calm and not show my nerves. The only thing I was dreading was if he asked about the book. I don't know what I would do, knowing me I would stutter, start to sweat, and possibly faint.

"I come to think of it you love those kinds of books. You know fantasy books with vampires, demons, and werewolves" Glancing at Luke, I nodded.

"Yeah" Continuing to read, I licked my lips.

From the corner of my eye I saw that Luke moved closer to me. Placing his arms onto the table, he continued to look at me causing my heart to beat very fast.

"Why?" He asked.

"Why what?" I asked back. Making sure my voice was calm.

"Why do you like those stories so much?"

Looking up I rolled my lips together, "Because I like the different worlds of these creatures. Even though they aren't real, I still think that their world is better than the real world. So much excitement happens, sometimes I wish they were real"

Nodding his head, he lifted an eyebrow at me, "Your right about one thing. There's lots of exciting things that happen in their world"

Frowning I shook my head, "What do you mean? How would you know?"

Shrugging his shoulders, he smiled at me, "I know lots of things you don't. I'm sure you know a lot of things about one kind of those creatures."

"What are you talking about?" Taking a deep breath, I gulped. I knew what he was doing and he knew what he was doing. He was trying to trick me using the one thing that meant the world to me, books. But I wasn't going to break so easily, well at least I'll try not to let anything slip my mouth.

"You know what I'm talking about. Listen I'm not going to keep smooth talking, Willow told me that she invited you to our house the other day and you visited the library. I smel- I mean I saw on the security camera that you took a book. Is it true, cause even if it is I'm not mad and I wouldn't be angry at you. That book belongs to my family and it goes back many years my dads grandfather wrote it and it means a lot to my family. So it would mean a lot if you would give it back to me"

I couldn't take this pressure. He got me at the part that it was apart of his family, the part that really hit home was when he said his dad's grandfather wrote it. My heart was telling me to spill out everything, while my mind was saying, no keep it in. The more I keep this in the more guilt I will be having.

Closing my book, I sighed, "Your right I did take the book, and trust me I was going to give it back. The amount of times I just wanted to run across the lawn, knock on your door and throw it into your arms. I was actually going to give it to you today, but something came up and I don't think you'll ever forgive me for it"

Luke lifted up his eyebrow, and shook his head at me, "What are you talking about of course I would forgive you. I'm not even mad that you took it but why didn't you give it back to me today? Do you have it?"

Closing my eyes I shook my head. "No? So it's still at your house?" Again I shook my head, and took deep breaths. "Than where is it? Is there some secret hiding place you hid it, like in a tree or something?"

"No, it's gone" I whispered, but I knew he heard me.

"What do you mean it's gone?" He questioned.

"I mean it's gone, there's nothing that could be anymore specific than that. My dad had a party the other night and I hid the book under my pillow wrapped up, but when I came back later that night it was gone" There, it was finally out. And to say I was relived would be an understatement. I never knew how much I wanted to spill it out into the open but now that it was out, I couldn't be anymore relieved.

"Do you know someone who could of taken it?"Shaking my head, I watched as Luke closed his eyes and sighed.

"I'm sorry, I'll pay for it. I'll look day and night for it, I'll even try to get a list of everyone there."

Opening his eyes he shook his head and smiled a soft smile, "No I'll think of something, but that list would be helpful."

Nodding I smiled back. "Thanks, I just have one question"

Leaning back in his seat he nodded, "Hit me"

"Why was your name at the back of the book?"

His mouth opened and he looked at me shocked. I was also shocked that I even had the courage to ask him that. "I'm sorry, you don't have to answer that, it's none of my business anyway"

He continued to stare at me, his mouth opened wide while his eyes were widened in shock. Taking this as my cue to leave, I grabbed my book alongside my backpack. Swinging the bag over my shoulder, I got up from my chair. But a hand grabbed my wrist stopping me from moving. Looking back, I stared into his eyes, something was shinning through them, something that I couldn't read.

"I'll tell you, but not here. There's lots of things that you are going to learn and you might not like the ending of it"


She finally told Luke!!

Up next in the next chapter, Luke will be telling Hailey everything. Also a little magic will happen at the end.

Thanks for reading and voting. Also thanks for commenting. I will dedicate the next to chapter to someone who has the funniest comment on this chapter. Please....



Comment what you think as well as the funniest comment challenge.

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