Finally Saved-Chapter 18

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Previously in Finally Saved-

"This will teach you a lesson. Remember Hailey, your lover boy is my next victim" He advanced further onto me and punched me once again, grabbing me once again by my hair that fell out of it's ponytail, he moved his punches to my stomach. He punched me everywhere, for every punch that he beat me with I hadn't once shed a tear. My mother taught me to be strong, strong at my weaknesses and I will stay strong until the day I died.

He punched me one last time until his arm dropped to his side, he whispered something in my ear but I couldn't hear anything. I saw him smirk last time before he disappeared out the back door.

The last thing I saw before darkness took me away was the sound of a door smashing open and the warmth of soothing hands.

Everything was dark.

Everywhere I looked blackness was there. The right, the left, up and down. The only thing I felt was pain. Pain; what I was used to. Something I wasn't fond of. Pain was something I thought was never going to come back. Did I think wrong. I don't remember what happened except that warm feeling. Taking a deep breath, I let my eyes relax. I could feel someone touching me; it was like the warm feeling I got from before. It made me want to open my eyes and be able to see who it is but they wouldn't open, it was like they were glued shut.

The hand started wondering up my arm and ended right on my right shoulder. Sighing, I moved closer to the warmth. I guess the person wasn't expecting me to move suddenly because they quickly removed their hand. I whined in my head calling them back. Than I heard his voice.


I wanted to answer back to Luke but my mouth wouldn't budge either. "Hailey if you hear me just know that I really need to you to wake up. Everyone does, we all miss you. And with everything that has happened I just realized that we had our date tonight." Chuckling he placed his hand back on my arm causing me to sigh again. "I really miss you, and those beautiful eyes of yours. When you wake up I have something to ask you."

My head was screaming at my body to open up my mouth and eyes to be able to talk and see Luke's handsome, caring face. But there was just a small voice in the back of my head that kept screaming you need to rest. But I just couldn't take it. What did he want to ask me? Did he want to ask me out? Reschedule the date? What?

"I love you Hailey" He whispered with so much emotion that my heart fluttered and I'm pretty sure my cheeks reddened even if I wasn't awake.

The next thing I felt was much better than the warmth of his hand. The softness of his lips were placed on my forehead, which made my heart skip a beat.

"I love you so much Hailey, all you have to do is wake up" His smooth, deep voice spoke. That was all it took for me because my eyes fluttered open.


Luke's POV

She was in pain.

I felt it, all over my body. First it started with my face, I didn't think anything of it until I was sitting with Josh and Ryder in my office than I felt this surging pain all over my face, than come down to my stomach. It felt like someone was punching and kicking me over and over again.

Hissing I grabbed the side of my desk and gripped it with all my might. It creaked under my hand, guess I was holding it a little to hard. Josh and Ryder both looked at me concerned, "Are you alright?" They both asked getting up from their chairs and walking over to me. Barring my teeth at them, I sat back in my chair. "Yes. It's not me, it's Hailey"

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