Finally Saved-Chapter 13

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Inspirational quote of the day- "Nothing gives an author so much pleasure as to find his works respectfully quoted by other learned authors"

-Benjamin Franklin


Chapter Thirteen

Previously in Finally Saved-

Following the voice of Willow, I ended up in the first aisle again. Darren Willow, Josh, and David were all staring at some spot. Walking up to them, I looked at what they were looking at, a book was missing from the shelve.

"This aisle has Hailey's scent all around. She was here, and you know what book is now missing?" David asked.

Shaking my head, I looked over at him, "The Werewolf history and origin book"

My eyes widened in shock, this isn't good.


Hailey's POV

I spent all night reading and reading the werewolf history and origin book. It was starting to become very very interesting. The make believe world of werewolves is making me want the human world to be like their make believe world.

Crossing my legs, I set the book on my legs and continued to read. I reread the history of werewolves, and I didn't realize that I skipped lots of interesting parts.

I am now on the second chapter of the book that I skipped while skimming through it, and this chapter is about mates. Did you know that every werewolf had a mate, which in human terms is like a soul mate? This book says that werewolves feel the connection to their mates the first time they ever meet. They don't even need to touch, when their eyes connect its like love at first sight. I wish that was true. I just wished my prince charming would look into my eyes and we would feel instant connection, love.

Turning the page, I continued to read about the fascinating life of werewolves. If I knew the true meaning behind these creatures, I would pay more attention to their features in the books I read in the library, maybe the authors put this information in there.

The front door slamming echoed throughout the house. Quickly jumping off of my bed, I took the book and wrapped it in my blanket while hiding it under my pillow. Making sure no one could see it, I walked over to my desk and fished out my homework from my backpack.

My bedroom door was thrown up and standing in the doorway was my dad, with a bag in his hand. Walking up to me, he placed the bag down next to my binder. Confused I looked up at him, but casted my head down soon after. I thought he wasn't going to be home until tomorrow evening? Guess his plans ended.

"Here, I got this at the store. Eat up, I have guests coming over tonight and I need you to look like you actually eat." Looking at me one last time, I heard his footsteps walking back toward the door, and close it behind him.

Opening up the bag, I saw it was some weird food. It was a strange brown color, with vegetables on top of it. Picking up the fork, I was hesitate to eat it, but this was the only food I will get until tomorrow at lunch in school.

Bringing the fork up to my mouth, I took a sniff of it and pulled my head away in disgust. This smelt awful. I don't know what they put in this stuff but it smells like dead fish and gasoline.

Plugging my nose, I brought the fork up to my mouth and stuffed it into my mouth. It not only smells bad, it tastes even worse.

Shaking my head, I continued to eat the terrible food with my nose still plugged. When I was on my last bite, music started playing very loudly. It seemed like it was coming from my house, but I couldn't hear any inside. Looking toward the window, I saw bright lights coming from outside. Getting up from my chair, I walked up to the window and looked down. My mouth opened when I saw the bright lights and big boomboxes were coming from my backyard. My father was below putting bottles of beer in a cooler. Pulling away from the window, I went over to my desk and threw out my empty carton of food. Walking up to my door, I pulled it open and walked out into the hallway. When I came to the stairs, I saw a couple of random people standing in the foyer talking to my dad. My dad actually looked happy for once, he probably was faking it but it really looked like he was enjoying himself. A smile was played upon his lips, and a laugh tore through his lips. No one noticed that I was here, they couldn't see the random girl staring at them from the last step.

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