twenty six.

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"What? Why would you keep it a secret from Momo unnie?" Jeongyeon clicked her tongue. "Chaeyoung, I don't want her to worry about me. I can get over this without her knowing it. Also, I don't want her to think that her girlfriend is crazy." Chaeyoung sighed at disbelief. "Hyung, don't you think Momo unnie needs to know more about this than me? She's your girlfriend for pete's sake!" The older girl sighed. "I'll tell her. Let me tell her, when I'm ready. Not you, not Mina, not anyone, but me." The latter nodded. "Okay, unnie. But please do tell her as soon as possible."


"Hey, baby. How are you at Aus?"

"Missing my Jeong, and I'm also tired. We've been taking shoots since last night."

"Make sure to eat on time and take naps when you can. I don't want my princess yo get sick."

"Yes, babe. I will. You take care of yourself , too."

"I will."

"I love you, Jeongyeon."

"I love you most, Momo."

She hung up and took a deep breath before facing Chaeyoung.

"You ready, hyung?" She nodded. They both went in to a small door.


"I feel like there's something off, Mina." Mina looked at her. "About who? Jeongyeon unnie?" She nodded. "What about her?"

"Jeongyeon has something on her mind but she can't seem to say it." The younger girl tilted her head. "What do you mean? I can't take get your point." Momo sighed. "For the past days, she's been calling in the weirdest time at Seoul. She would call at 2, or sometimes 3AM. And when she calls, her voice always sounded like she's about to cry." Mina puts a finger on her chin. "Maybe she misses you that much?" Momo shrugs.


She's dense.

"I hope she's alright. I miss her so much." Mina smiled at her. "I miss Chae, too." Momo looked at Mina and smirked, "Speaking of Chaeyoung, how are you both doing?" Mina blushed suddenly. She can get all giddy just by hearing her name. "We're doing very good, unnie. Still can't believe she said yes." The older girl chuckled. "Not surprised, Chaeng really looked smitten with you." She laughs, "The power I hold. I told you I would get her."


"Ms. Yoo, it seems like you have separation anxiety disorder." Dr. Kim, a well-known psychiatrist and a close friend of Chaeyoung, said as after she ran some tests and asking Jeongyeon questions related to her dream.

Anxiety disorder?

"What does that mean, Yerim?" Chaeyoung asked. "People who have this kind of anxiety disorder have fears about being parted from people to whom they are attached. They often worry that some sort of harm, something untoward, or infidelity will happen to their attachment figures while they are separated." Chaeyoung just nodded. "She might've gotten it from the trauma that Soojin left her."

Jeongyeon couldn't say a thing. She, herself is surprised with it.

She's afraid to let Momo know.

"This can cause panic attacks, and anxiety attacks when you're not with the one you love. I suggest you stay at your parents' home, they can be a help to lessen the attacks. Also, take selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, I'll prescribe you the medicine, buy at least 2 bottles and drink it whenever you have panic and anxiety attacks." Dr. Kim wrote the medicine and gave it to Chaeyoung.

"I can't stay there, I have work." Dr. I Kim shook her head. "You need to be there at least for a week or two. It'll help you with your therapy." Jeongyeon sighed. "Can't I stay at Chaeyoung's house, instead? I'll be just more stressed out at home." Dr. Kim stared at Chaeyoung, the latter nodded.
"Alright. You can stay at her place. Just give it one or two weeks." The latter nodded.

Why is it all happening now?

They went out and stayed at the corridor. Jeongyeon kept on thinking about what the doctor said. She couldn't accept it, but can't do anything, since it's already there. All she can do now is to take therapy so she can get better.

"Fuck." It's the fifteenth time that Jeongyeon said that in a span of 3 minutes. "Hyung calm down." Jeongyeon stopped walking back and forth and looked at Chaeyoung. "Calm down? How can I calm down, Chae? I have a fucking anxiety disorder. What if mom and dad won't accept me? What if Momo leave me because of it?" Chaeyoung had enough of her way of thinking. She glared at her and grabbed her both arms.

"Jeongyeon, you are more than what you think you are. Your parents love you, Momo loves you. They love you so much that they can't leave your side." Chaeyoung realized her situation. She let's go of her gently. "I'm sorry, hyung." Jeongyeon pats her head. "It's alright, Chae. I know what you mean." Chae let out a smile.

"Wanna eat out, hyung?" The latter grinned. "Thought you'd never ask." They left the hospital and went to eat some tteokboki.

After eating lunch, they went to Jeongyeon's penthouse to get some clothes.

"You have tons of clothes, hyung. Do you use them all?" Chaeyoung said as she enters her walk-in closet. "Some of the clothes is Momo's. We're planning to move in here since I already got my dad's permission to have the building." Jeongyeon looked at the awed Chaeyoung. "What?"

"Nothing, I'm just amazed on how rich you are. Up until now."
"You're technically rich, too, Chae. Our business spreaded like wildfire and now the sales are spiking up. Not to mention you planning a building's structure at the moment."
"Couldn't have done it without you, hyung."
"We make the best team."
"I'm sure we do."

Jeongyeon got all the things she needed. They decided to go to the mall to stock some food in Chaeyoung's place.

They bought a lot for the whole week. They were just about to go home, but then suddenly, Jeongyeon saw something that caught her eye, and thought of a crazy idea.

"Chae, you know how to drive, right?" Chaeyoung looked at her, confused. "Huh? Yeah I know." Jeongyeon smiled and produced her keys. "You go ahead. I'm gonna need to do something." Chaeyoung stared at her, still confused. "Can you do it alone, hyung? Maybe I can help you." The latter shook her head, "I can manage, Chae. Go on, I'll be safe, I promise." She still can't get what she was saying, but she felt worried. She refuses some more. "Hyung, I'll just wait for you in the car. Sounds good?" Jeongyeon pouted a little, "Can you really wait?" She nodded. "Okay, wait for me, then."

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