Chapter 6: Reiji

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"Another death at 11:09 last night. A girl by the name of Kanee Aschiko, a former university student. Police have suspected the Cheshire Cat is on its eighth killing spree. Detectives think they've figured out the murderer. More on that soon," the news reporter read.

"Wow, this person never stops huh?" Hianata frowned as she listened to the news while stirring her coffee. "It's a miracle that the police haven't caught her yet." Reiji smiled.

"Well, this person probably very smart. I mean, they've managed to escape from the police successfully once. And they've hidden their tracks so well that even the detectives or the police can't even find any traces of her," Reiji awed. "That must take a lot of skill."

"Yes but, how could they have hidden their traces? I mean, there's bound to be a fingerprint or two," Hianata frowned. "According to all the detectives and researchers on site, there was not even a single trace of her. Not a fingerprint, a piece of hair, dust. Nothing."

"Perhaps they have a concealing quirk?" Reiji playfully suggested, making Hianata chuckle as she grabbed her keys.

"You start university next week or the week after?" Hianata asked as she searched around the house for her handbag.

"The week after, and I know you're gonna ask about my essay and I just wanna say that I'm almost done," Reiji said as she stood up to put her cereal bowl away. Hianata grinned as she appeared from the corridor to the living room.

"Well, that was my question but alright then," Hianata smiled.


Tamika Wyshi (b) - Ear
Yoara Jimika (g) - Mouth
Hizania Bora (g) - Hands
Kianze Likasu (b) - Legs
Isukuki Weratu (b) - Stomach
Watushi Satuhi (b) - Heart
Caiksu Lianne (g) - Eyes
Kanee Aschiko (g) - Brain

Reiji grinned as she ticked off the next name. Her collection was building quite well if she had to admit. She remembered starting this little...project a little over eight weeks ago. At the time, she was still studying at university. Her first year at university actually.

But having thoughts of revenge even before university, she took the chance to ask and inquire the professor about many things. Many just thought she was curious as she often stayed back to ask her professors questions. Of course, her professors happily answered her. Thinking that she was very curious and just wanted to know more.

Oh, how wrong yet right they were. It was true she was curious. But she only needed the information for her murders. How to effectively conceal them and how detectives uncovered their fingerprints and trace their DNA. She wasn't all insane and psycho. Of course not.

In addition to her psychotic counterpart, she did fairly well in school. Having been alone and quiet for most of her life, she seemed refuge amongst her books and family. Who were the only real people to accept her for who she really was. She did daily brain puzzles and found herself to be quite good at riddles and complex math problems. But it wasn't all that obvious to anyone. To most, she looked like someone who scored average grades when in reality, she scored top scores.

Her entire plan for her revenge took her a good year to plan thoroughly. From spending time observing when the police were the most to least active to tracking down all her former friends' address and current lives to figuring out the best and most efficient way to cancel out CCTVs and training her Quirk. Her Quirk...was probably a very powerful quirk if she used it for better things.

Liquify. She was able to liquify anything or anyone she wanted or even herself. And that was where the powerful part or the most helpful part of her Quirk came to play. As long as there was liquid, she could liquify herself in there and effectively use it as a disguise. And it meant blood too. If she were to liquify herself into someone else's blood and solidify herself once she was done. Her blood would be disguised with that person's DNA for about 10 minutes before it wears off.

It meant her skin and even her clothes, which was how she effectively and sneakily escaped from the police multiple times. But perhaps the most powerful part of her quirk was being able to harden the things she liquified. From water into a block of water to maintaining her disguise for long periods of times.

"Next, I think it's time we pay a visit to my old childhood bully," she grinned darkly as she slammed her journal shut and walked over to her cork board. Admiring the pictures and beautiful yet gruesome deaths. And of course, the knife stabbed into her heart plushy. "Currently working as a boss in your company huh? in a" She mumbled to herself before smiling proudly. "I have to admire myself for managing to get this much information in the first place. Honestly, people are so stupid and gullible these days jeez."

She twirled a strand of her hair. "If I had a dollar, for every time someone exposed to me private and personal information, I'd be a millionaire at this point. Everyone's too easy to fool." Walking over to her closet, she scanned through her clothes before her eyes fell on a dress. "If I'm going to get more information, then I've got to look the part don't I?" She grabbed the dress and hummed to herself as she walked to the bathroom.

"Instead of playing around and asking information from his colleagues or close friends. I think it's the right time to step up my game and ask the information from him," she grinned darkly. Her grin starting to water down and turn into a sweet smile. Her bright blue eyes turning grey and her fawn-blonde hair turning into an ash blonde colour. "And I know just what'd he say, after all, a few years of working in your parents' company doesn't change you."

She grinned as she looked in front of the mirror. "If anything, it'll make you even worse than before."

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