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Conner was bored vey bored, it was 1am and everyone in his house was dead asleep, sometimes him and Zoe would sneak downstairs and get ice cream at night, but she had slept over at her friend Alanas house, again. 

He had been at Evans earlier that day, Evan had been had been sleepy and spent the whole time straddling his thigh and snuggling into him, Conner was trying to conceal his boner the whole time so his boyfriend could get some rest, but even asleep he looked so damn hot. 

He had tried to jerk off but just couldn't, he was about to take a few sleeping pills so he could get some decent sleep for once when he heard his phone ring, who the fuck was calling at this hour? Evan?

"Hello?" Conner was cut off by Evans desperate moans on the other end.

"Ah Conner~" Evan choked out.

"Ev you okay?" Conner asked nervously, not used to him doing anything like this.

"Connie I want you!" Evan moaned. Conner put two and two together and realized that Evan was jerking off.

Conner smiled to himself, imagining how cute and desperate Evan probably looked right then, he began to palm himself from the outside of his sweatpants.

"Aw is my desperate little slut touching himself?" Conner asked in a mocking tone. He was met by a high pitched moan from Evan, he knew Evan loved dirty talk and could tell that Evan was close to climax, he heard Evans breath hitch then become slower.

"Did you cum baby?" Conner asked sweetly, Evan gave a shy 'yes.' 

"Well I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to again for me, you can't get me worked up like this then just fall asleep, now can you do something for me?" Evan gave another breathless 'yes' knowing to obey him. 

"Go get that little present I got you for your birthday, you know what I mean." Conner growled as he began to slowly jerk himself off. 

He heard some boxed being moved around and then the sound of low vibrations "Okay baby, now put it in for me okay, on the lowest setting." Conner ordered. He heard Evan whine a bit as he inserted the toy inside himself.

"I wish you were here daddy, I wanted you to wreck me so bad today." Said Evan desperately, trying to control his voice.

"You just looked so cute asleep like that baby, it was so hard to contain myself." Conner said quietly.

"I bet you wanted to fuck my until I couldn't walk, huh daddy?" Evan teased.

"You better fucking watch your mouth unless you want to to come over and do exactly that." Conner warned. 

"Please daddy? Can I turn it up?" Evan begged suddenly.

"Put it on the highest setting, now." Conner demanded harshly, he heard the toy being turned up and Evan mumble out some curses. 

"You better keep your mouth shut, princess, unless you want to get punished." Conner moaned feeling himself get close to climax.All he heard was heavy breathing for a few seconds before he heard, Evan on the other end

 "Ah~ Oh fuu I-I'm gonna cum, please can I cum daddy?" The sound of Evans urgentness sent Conner over the edge making him climax into his sheets.

"I thought I told you to keep your pretty moth shut." He growled.

"I-I'm sorry a daddy, I just Ah-ahh~" Conner heard Evan cum breathlessly. "I-I'm sorry, I c-couldn't help it" Evan stuttered out apologetically, becoming flustered.

"You did amazing baby, I'm so proud of you." Conner assured him. "Don't worry at all you were perfect, I love you so much." He cooed, knowing that aftercare was very important for Evan.

"I love you too Connie." Whispered Evan tiredly. "But c-can I turn it off now?" Evan asked shyly, Conner relized he still had the vibrator inside him.

"Yes, turn it off, but don't take it out, I want to do that myself tomorrow princess." Said Conner, knowing that it would keep Evan up most of the night, because of how sensitive he was. 

"Goodnight, love." Said Conner as he put his phone next to him so they could fall asleep on call.

"G-good night Conner I l-love you." Mumbled Evan, barely able to keep his eyes open.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 23, 2019 ⏰

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