Simon x Reader

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Detroit: Become Human

The wolves howl as i sprint through the woods as fast as i could, holding my rib to stop the bleeding.

They attacked me from the side, i didnt even know where they came from, and made a decent gash in my rib.

I felt my ankles crack from misstepping and i nearly fall in pain.

The wild animals growl, and approach me slowly.. My breathing starts to pick up pace when i realize i had nowhere to go. I climbed to the top of the boat.

My eyes shifted all around me, it was a huge pit of darkness under me, that could go anywhere.

I pressure my injury with my hands, ignoring the blood spilling on them, until i see it.

The wolves lined up in front of me on the platform, and all around the large pit of darkness.

I go to take another step back on the platform to get farther away from them, but i slip.

I swear my life wouldve flashed before my eyes as i screamed and fell if I didnt land in the freezing cold water underneath.

My body tries its best to bare through the pain and the cold water as i swim to the surface.

Air fills my lungs as i gasp for it, looking around rapidly for a way to get out.

"A latter.." I whispered to myself, steadily swimming to it.

My cold, almost frozen hands wrap around the latter, and i gradually climb up, into an area, filled with more darkness.

The wolves howl for seeing my living body, and I swear, they leave, but I dont know..

A shiver runs up my spine, "I have to find some place warm.." I whisper to myself, blinking so my eyes can get used to the dark.

My feet jolt in pain on every step as I go to open the door.

For my luck, there was a flashlight right in front of it.

Cautiously, i wandered about the boat, looking at every crevice and corner. Looking behind me after every noise I heard that terrified me.

My bloody hand stained the walls as i used them to help me walk better and stay awake. Hell, maybe leave a trail if I need to get the fuck out of here.

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