Chapter 20: First Classes

Start from the beginning

While that was going on, Minho leaned over to Jisung to ask him a question that he now had. "Why is everyone so excited about being able to go to town?"

Jisung, who had been zoned out once Mrs. Yang started talking in numbers, snapped his head to Minho and processed his question. "Everyone likes having an excuse to go to town. We technically are only supposed to go whenever we need to buy something or to help out the people of the village. The village is aware that there is a boarding school by the town, but no one there is sure about where it's located exactly. We help the village out with various projects so they don't question the school too much or bother us, but also, as a result, the villagers are always really nice to us. It is also fun because you can shop and eat out for a change," Jisung explained in a whisper to Minho who nodded in understanding. "The older students even sneak out sometimes and go to the bars."

"Han Jisung," Mrs. Yang suddenly called out. "I do hope you are explaining something math related to our new student."

Jisung smiled sheepishly and responded, "Of course, Mrs. Yang. I was just explaining to Minho hyung that in order to find x for the rational function, in this case, you have to split it up into several individual fractions, reduce, then solve." His tone was dripping with false confidence, but Mrs. Yang nodded in approval and turned back to the board to finish the problem. The rest of the members, who were very familiar with Jisung's ability to talk himself out of almost any situation, all shook their heads at their friend's actions.

Once everyone's questions were answered, Mrs. Yang proceeded with the lesson for the day. Minho was, as he had expected, very lost the entire time, but Jisung would always lean over to help him understand or work out any problem that the older got stuck on. He actually was very good at explaining things in a simple enough way for the older to understand quickly. After an hour and a half passed, the first academic class was over.

There was a fifteen minute break between their two academic classes before their Chemistry teacher showed up to the room where the nine of them just goofed off together. Luckily for Minho, they had just been about to start a new lesson, and their Chemistry teacher, Mr. Park, who insisted that he drop the formalities and just call him Joonhyung, was just a bit overly enthusiastic about having a new 'young mind to mold.'

By the end of the class period, Minho was completely convinced that their science teacher was a mad man since he was constantly moving about, talking about nonsense loudly, but still managing to function just enough to teach them actually interesting things. The entire class was filled with laughter along with learning. It was the most fun Minho had ever had within a school setting, definitely something you could never find in the public school systems of Korea.

As noon rolled around, their second academic class for the day was over, and Minho was informed that they now had an hour for lunch. Chan, Woojin, Changbin, Jisung, and Felix were debating whether or not they should eat outside on the front lawn or in the dining hall while Minho nodded along to the conversation, but on the other side of the room, Seungmin was currently teasing the youngest while Hyunjin was standing behind them, giggling at the interaction.

Seungmin was, at the time. moving himself closer to Jeongin pretty forcefully with a teasing expression on his face, causing Jeongin to hold his arms out in an attempt to hold his hyung off of him. The ruckus of Seungmin's odd noises he was making caused Minho to shift his attention in the trio's direction. Minho could just see the annoyance in the youngest's face and how he had the look of someone who has had to deal with similar situations a thousand times. Before he knew it, though, Jeongin was forced to back up until he ran into Hyunjin. He hugged Jeongin from behind while Seungmin was still making advances, soon causing the redhead's expression to change.

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