44| stunning

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"You deserve to be surrounded with people who reflect your light instead of taking it all for themselves" - RJ Avenira

*junior year*

Ian and I don't disagree often, and when we do, it's usually nothing serious. This is one of those few occasions it wasn't just something I'd get over in a couple hours.

Our junior year homecoming dance is tonight, and Ian decided to go on a field trip for JROTC instead of going to the dance with me.

Realistically, I shouldn't even be mad; it's JROTC, something very important to him. He's hardly ever selfish, so I should accept that he wanted to do the field trip instead of this stupid dance, but I can't help that I'm bummed he won't be here.

I was so excited to show him my dress because it's my favorite one I've had for homecoming so far. It's a royal blue two piece dress with a laced high neck and sparkles scattered around. I had Anthony's latest girlfriend that is a cosmetology student do my hair in a cute and simple up-do.

I felt gorgeous, but I only wish Ian was here to see me.

"Ready? Mason is here."

I looked at Kaila to see if she was ready, and she nodded. A large part of me just wanted to stay home, but I left with Kaila and Mason anyway. I can't sulk at home just because Ian has commitments to attend to.

"You both look gorgeous," Mason said with a smile. Such a charmer.

He and Kaila are technically each other's dates, but they are obviously going just as friends. They agreed to let me tag along since Ian isn't here to accompany me.

"Papps, you'd look even more gorgeous if you'd smile," he looked at me from the rearview mirror. I forced a smile on my face and he chuckled.

The house that pictures were being hosted at for the junior class was packed with people. I swear we had to park a mile away.

After Mason parked, I was about to complain about having to walk so far in my heels, but my complaint was cut off when my door was opened for me, revealing Ian Miller in a black tux with a royal blue tie.

"Ian," I smiled. "What are you doing here?" He held out his hand to help me out of Mason's black Durango.

"I got home at like 9 this morning, which was the plan all along. I knew I'd be home in time for the dance, I just wanted to surprise you."

"So you let me be discretely annoyed with you for this past month just because you wanted to surprise me?"

"You weren't that mad at me," he winked. My jaw dropped and I punched him, grateful Mason was busy helping Kaila out of the car to hear that. "I wanted to see your happy smile when you saw me when you didn't expect to."

He's not wrong though. When he told me last month he would be gone with JROTC, I was upset for the rest of the day. He was invited on the field trip when he knew homecoming was that day, so I didn't understand why he couldn't just politely decline the invitation. The next day, I was in a bit of a mood for a little, but got over it because I missed Ian too much to give him the cold shoulder any longer.

When he left on Wednesday for the trip, I got re-annoyed. His absence was a reminder that I would be alone on homecoming. I was petty all of Wednesday and refused to FaceTime him that night, only texting him. Thursday and Friday I did FaceTime him because, once again, I can't stay mad at him for long, but I was sure to not engage in conversation too much to prove a point.

All to lead up to Ian's surprise attendance.

"Let's go take some pictures of your smoking hot self in your gorgeous dress, so we can go dance and have an amazing night."

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