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"Wherever you are, be all there." - I.E

   It's move-in day again, but it's also the day I move-out of my apartment with Kaila. When I was 19 and initially moving in, I obviously knew that I wouldn't live here with Kaila forever, but at the same time, I didn't see it coming so quick. It still feels like a week ago we were trying so hard to install our own refrigerator, but ended up having to call Anthony for help.

   Now, I'll be living with Ian Miller, the same guy that, four years ago, I didn't even know if I'd ever see again.

   I'm glad I never gave up hope.

   "You know, I'll keep helping you pay rent for as long as you need," I reminded Kaila for probably the thousandth time as we loaded another box into my Jeep.

   "I know, Jos," she smiled softly.

   We are both excited for the move because it's such a big step that I've been waiting to make, but we definitely cried all last night about the fact we won't be sleeping two steps away from each other anymore. It'll be a weird adjustment.

   Kaila, Ian and I loaded most of my stuff into my car and Ian's, leaving the rest, mainly bigger stuff, for Anthony to come by with his truck to get later on.

   My parents weren't surprised in the slightest that Ian and I decided to move in together, saying we might as well have lived together in high school, too. "It was only a matter of time" is what my mom said at dinner a couple nights ago. I brought Ian over to see them for the first time in four years, which is when we told them we'd be living together.

   They still have their troubles and they are even worse now that Anthony and I are both out of the house, which is why we don't go by often. Fights are the normal around there, and that toxicity, no matter how much I love my parents, isn't something I ever need.

   We were only over for two hours when we went for dinner and I lost count of how many times they raised their voices at each other over the dumbest things. The butter wasn't out on the table? My dad doesn't know how to listen. The chicken dinner is slightly undercooked? My mom is a terrible cook. It's always something with them.

   Ian's parents were overjoyed to hear about the news, telling us if we need anything to just let them know. Penelope also said she'd help me make it less of a bachelor pad, which made me laugh.

   Mason, jokingly, was like, "now we can't play fort all night long." Ian assured him not to worry, he'd still play Fortnite with him all of the time.

   "You ready for this new chapter of your life, Jos?" Kaila grinned.

   I am, really. Everything has been so good in my life lately, and I think the world just seems so much brighter with Ian actively back in all of our lives. Even Kaila is back in her higher spirits like she used to be all the time a few years ago.

"I am," I nodded. I have many dreams in life, and Ian is a part of each and every one. This is the beginning to all of my dreams coming true, as cheesy as it may sound.

"I know you are."


The process of moving my possessions into Ian's house didn't take long, especially since we had Anthony and Kaila over to help with unloading and unpacking. I didn't take much from the apartment because Ian had furniture and necessities. All I really had to take was clothes, accessories, personal belongings, and toiletries.

"Well," Kaila sighed once I put some of my clothes into the drawers Ian spared for me. We decided, after he realized how many clothes I have, that I should get my dresser here from Kaila's apartment at some point. "I have a shift at Westchester in an hour, so I have to go home and change."

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