I smiled. "Of course I remember you, and no need to call me Beta. Cal is just fine." I extended my hand for her to shake, trying to cover up my awkwardness.

She laughed, shaking my hand. "I thought you were really funny yesterday, when you came out still eating that cookie and Alpha Alex looked like he was trying to ignore you." Her laugh was so pretty, and her smile was adorable. I noticed she had a dimple on her left cheek.

"Ha ha yeah," I rubbed the back of my neck, my face going a bit pink. "That happens more than you think."

She smiled again, settling in the seat beside me. "Oh yeah? You guys seem close."

I shrugged. "That's cause we are. He's my best friend, we've been through a lot together. He means a lot to me."

Suddenly Alex's head popped up over the back of his seat. "Aw Cal," He drawled, grinning wide. "I didn't know you felt that way about me."

My face went pink and I mumbled something along the lines of shut up I hate you why are we friends. I wasn't sure if it was my imagination or not but there was something is Alex's eyes, and emotion I couldn't place. It made me confused. What was he thinking before he turned around?

When the bus pulled up to the school, Daisy and I walked off together, still talking. Alex came up beside me, gently threading my hand with his. I didn't break from my conversation but squeezed his hand reassuringly, reminding him I'm still here. I'm always here. He didn't say much, an odd comment here or there. Daisy glanced at our hands a couple times but didn't say anything. I don't think we'd be able to explain it anyway.

Walking into the school our hands released, going our separate ways. I led Daisy to her first class, then head off to my homeroom; English. Great, I thought. More Macbeth. To be or not to be, that is the question. To be dead by the end of the unit or not. I snorted, earning a glance from a fresh passing by. I paid them no mind. Freshies were like a whole other breed. They actually kind of scared me. Fresh out of middle school, the adopted the I don't give a fuck attitude that most of us didn't perfect until senior year. Plus they didn't fully understand homework.

Just do it, I sent my thoughts to all the freshmen in the hall, knowing full well they couldn't hear me. Just do your homework, seriously. You'll regret not making good habits when you get to your last year; I certainly did.

Walking into the room I spotted Alice sitting in her seat near the back and I headed over to join her. "Sup fuckass," I made up on the spot.

She laughed at me. "Oh Cal, swearing is not your strong suit, seriously. You're too nice." I grumbled and sat down, pulling out my copy of the wretched play written by an old white man we were, for some reason, required to read. At this point, I was so over Shakespeare. My brooding thoughts were interrupted by the teaching moving towards the front of the class, calling for our attention.

Time to read about the single most depressing character to ever exist. It's great fun.


At lunch Daisy found me again. I was starting to like this girl. We had similar interests, and she was really funny. I lead her to our group's spot, the 'hidden' hallway. It wasn't that hidden, and it led to an atrium with amazing glass ceiling. Not many people sat in there because it was a small space, we practically had it to ourselves.

When we showed up, Alice, Jo and Brandon were already there. I looked at Brandon questioningly. "He's just talking with our teacher, he'll be here in like a minute." I nodded, sitting down against the wall near the corner; my usual seat. Daisy sat on my left, leaving the corner free for Alex.

By the time I had finished my sandwich and moved onto my apple Alex had finally shown up. I hadn't realized it but my body had been tense the entire time he had been gone, and upon seeing him relaxed. He glanced over at Daisy, making his way to the corner. The same emotion from the bus, the one I couldn't identify, passed over his face. I frowned, but smiled when Alex looked at him.

He sat himself in the corner, and I shifted over to give him more space. In return, he pulled me between his legs and I slid down a bit and leaned against his chest. I bit into my apple, eyes lighting up at a joke Brandon made. The three didn't bat an eye at us, but I saw a look of confusion pass Daisy's face. I shrugged internally, she'll probably get used to it by the time she and her pack move on, unless she finds her mate here.

Alex rested his chin on my head, and I attempted to look up at him. It didn't work out too well, as you could probably imagine. Lunch was good, being surrounded by friends, laughing at their idiocy. And it was even better because Alex and I had Writer's Craft after this, and we were starting a new project in groups. Alex and I always worked together, for everything. We only shared 5 classes this year, and we shared one spare. Our teachers would separate us, except we always turn in good work, no matter how late we start it.

When it's groups of three or more we're more time sensitive, usually working together on it at home. If not, well we live together, we can work on it whenever. The bell rung, signalling the start of period 3, and I stood up. Without really paying attention I turned and helped Alex up, before we headed off to our class together.

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