Another spotlight appeared, but with a creature what was a griever down the other end. It just stood there, facing me.

A cold, dark breeze swooshed past my whole body, making me shiver inside and out.

With a big jolt, it charged towards me like Ben did. It's horrying mechanical arms and green ugly horrific body crawl at me at a tremendous speed.

This isn't real. I tried to tell my self. Stay strong. Don't be afraid. I kept on telling myself.

I adjusted my position, so I felt I was stronger. I pulled my knuckles into a ball, and had my feet glued to the ground. I stared at it with aggression, waiting for it to make it's final step to barrel me down.

It made a big leap, making it's long horrific body fly across the air straight in my chest's direction.

As soon as it was about to make contact, I dived to the side, feeling the grievers force fly past me and crashing into the hard ground, sliding along it aiming to stop and turn around.

I watched the griever fully stop, until I dropped into no where, still in darkness.

I was falling and falling, and it kept on going, like I was about hit the bottom any second.

As I was falling, my body grew weaker and weaker, and pain started making it's way throughout my body.

Within another second, all the pain was gone. After one other, I felt a strong wave of fire and stabbing pain hit my heart, and I let out a blood-curling scream of pain.

I jolted up and found myself next to Thomas and Chuck, with Newt and Minho running up to me.

"Bella! Hello? Are you okay?" Tom was saying next to me, as Chuck was saying my name.

I felt tears roll down my cheek.

I have never felt so scared and so much pain in my life. My whole body was on fire, as my heart was being stabbed into a million pieces.

At the time I felt incredibly strong, now, I felt weak.

Why was I at a laboratory with Thomas and Danny?

Danny. I remember Danny. My precious little brother.

I could hear Tom, Chuck, Minho and Newt trying to talk to me, but I just kept going back to that nightmare. It all felt so real, like I was really there.

I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. I stuttered, not knowing what to say.

I looked around, past the 4 boys around me and saw the sky getting lighter, and the boys staring at us worryingly.

I looked at Tom in the eyes, then Minho in the eyes, then Newt in the eyes, then Minho. Alby came along and joined, as I was still trying to process what just happened.

I stared at Tom in the eyes.

"I don't get it. Any of it. I'm scared. It hurts, Tom. I want Danny. I need Danny." I whispered.

Minho put his arm around me, then Tom, and I curled up in a ball and cried.

Why are we here? Where is Danny? Who were the scientists?

I shook my head. Think of something different. Get it out of your mind. You're overwhelmed. I felt another tear escape my eyes.

"Shhh, it's okay. You're okay." I could hear Thomas say to me, while he and Minho rub my back for comfort.

"Aww, did Little Miss Greenie have a nightmare?" Someone up ahead said.

I looked up and saw Gally standing there with a fake sad face on, making some other Gladers give a chuckle.

"Leave her alone, Gally! We don't know what happened to her! You've klunked your pants before shuck-face!" Minho spat back to him.

They glared at each other for a second, while I stood up and walked to a tree and sat down alone. I just needed space.

After a little while Newt and Thomas came and sat down with me.

"Bella, what happened? Who's Danny? You said Thomas and Danny in your sleep." Newt asked.

I sighed. "There were grievers. There was Ben. There were scientists. There was Danny. There was you." I looked at Thomas.

Another boy came along and gave us all a plate of breakfast. "Here. All you shanks take some before Chuck leaves nothin' for the rest of us shanks!" He smiled to us.

"You da man Jeff!" Newt hugged him and laughed.

"Bella and Tommy, this is Jeff. One of the Med-Jacks. And one of the best shanks in this place." He smiled and as they wrapped their arms around each others shoulders.

"Whats up." Jeff said to Tom and I, giving us the sup nod. (A/N idk what else to all it hahah soz.)

"Hi, I'm-" I started until he cut me off. "I know who you are Miss Bella. You too Mr Thomas." He nodded. "Um, okay then. Well. Thanks for the food." I replied.

He sat with us and joked around with us. He was a good guy, one of the ones that I could trust. He was now one of the few people that I would hang around with.

"Lets go see what job suits you best." Newt said standing up.

"I thought that the keeper decides that at a gathering?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Well, we have to find out what you're best at, c'mon." He hurried me.

"Can I be a runner?" I asked him casually.

He stopped in his tracks. "Why?" He stared at me confused.

"Why not?" I replied.

"You're a girl. We don't know anything about you. Why you're here. Why we're all here. You and Tommy klunked up everything. A shucking dead greiver. Never happened before." He said.

"Well, can't I at least get a go?" I smiled innocently.

He paused for a moment. "Why do you wanna be a runner anyway?" He asked.

"Newt, we're trapped in the middle of a maze. Who put us here? And why did they take our memories? I wanna see for myself. Explore. You said yourself that Tom and I are changing things. Then since we're different, maybe we could change things for everyone. Find a way out. Or at least something that will lead us to or way out, or what the klunk is going on." I explained.

He just stood there for a second processing all what I said. "I might put in word to Alby. But don't get your hopes up, you have zero chance like the rest of the the shanks in this place."

I just nodded and kept walking on to the Homestead. "What about Thomas?" I asked.

"What do yo mean what about Thomas?" He asked confused, once again.

"What job he's getting, idiot."

"Very sorry, princess," He mocked in a girls voice, which made me laugh. "He's tried the Slicer, which he did horribly. He tried building, which I think he broke his thumb actually. And yesterday he tried the Track-Hoes, till you woke up. So yeah, today he's trying out the Med-Jack."

I just nodded, as we made our way into the Homestead.


Heyyy, sorry I've been so busy lately. Hope you like it so far x

If you guys want me to make any changes or add anything, let me know :)))

btw the pic is dylan o'brien in the glade bc he is gorg ღ


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