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Airports had always held a special place in Can's heart. They were somewhere that reminded him of years of uninhibited adventures and foreign places he had left immortalized in photos and snapshots. The energetic chaos of the airport normally left him with a sense of calm anticipation, the hurtling of a plane down a runway synonymous with the beginning of a new chapter of his life - leaving him feeling elated and free.

That was all achingly absent now. As they made their way through security and finally settled into their seats on the crowded plane, all Can felt was an empty hollowness. What waited for them on arrival was not a chapter he was keen to open.

The journey was eerily quiet. The brothers sat in troubled silence, only broken when the plane began faltering in the air - they were passing through a patch of rocky turbulence, something Can had plentiful experience with but, unfortunately, Emre did not. His brother squeaked slightly, his eyes going wide as the plane dropped for a few seconds. Can chuckled as he promised his younger brother that everything was alright.

They arrived under darkness. It was suffocating hot, even for late evening. Emre hailed a cab and directed the driver to the hospital, they'd see Aziz first then settle down in the hotel for the night.

The sight that waited for them at the hospital made Can's heart break. Aziz looked cold and tired. His energy, - that had once been so charming and bright - was now little more than a dim light that seemed as if it would flicker out with the slightest breeze. Guilt punched him in the stomach. They should have come sooner, they should have visited months ago, but he hadn't considered they would run out of time so soon. Now, it seemed to be slipping through his fingers like fruitlessly grasping onto a fist full of sand on a windy day. Aziz smiled when they entered the room. Despite his best attempts, it was weak and feeble, it made Can's heart shatter even further.

"I'm sorry." Can whispered, collapsing in the chair behind the bed. He should have been here.

"There's nothing to apologise for my son," Aziz said, patting the back of Can's hand. His voice seemed strong but it was clear the effort was painful. "And anyway, let's not talk about dreary matters. How have you been? How is Sanem?"

His father was almost as in love with Sanem as Can was. At their wedding, Aziz's kindness to her following the wake of Huma's malicious behaviour, had been one of the few things that had helped to lessen the sting. Can smiled at the genuine spark in his father's eyes as he began talking about his little family. Hearing about Sanem and his future grandson seemed to bring Aziz to life for a moment. His eyes gleamed as Can showed him photos saved on his phone, images of the sonograms and stills from the maternity shoot.

"You both look so happy." Aziz noted fondly. "How far along is she?"

The question was a simple one, but Can was aware of its double meaning. Aziz was working out his chances of ever being able to meet his grandson.

"A little over eight months." Can replied, trying not to let his voice shake.

Aziz nodded, smiling slightly as if content with that answer. "And how are you, Emre? How are things with Leyla?"

Emre's cheeks turned rosy as he looked away slightly. "Leyla is well."

They continued to tease the younger Divit over his crush until it became obvious that Aziz was struggling to keep his eyes open. It was Can that decided to cut their meeting short. His father's energy ran out long before his desire to catch up with his sons did.

"We'll be back tomorrow morning." He promised.

--- --- ---

Leyla woke to the unfamiliar weight of Arslan trapping her feet against the mattress and the disturbance of her sister shuffling in the bed. Leyla kept her eyes closed for a moment longer. It was light outside but her alarm had yet to go off, an indication that it was still early morning. She had a while before she would need to get ready for work.

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