Chapter 1: NJPW to NXT

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(NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 13)

Kenji Cruz was set to defend his IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship against fellow CHAOS brother and best friend, the Aerial Assassin Will Ospreay in his last match for NJPW as his contract is expiring. The Filipino Samurai finished taping his wrists before Will walked in.

Will: I heard this is your last match for the company, mate

Kenji: yeah, it will be really sad to leave, but when a door closes, another opens

Will: speak like a true Samurai

Kenji: let's put on a hell of a show

Will: let's do it

The two friends bro hugged until the leader of CHAOS, Kenji's mentor, the Rainmaker Kazuchika Okada came in.

Kazuchika: ウィリアム、賢治と一人で話してもいいですか。(Will, can I talk with Kenji alone please?)

Will: はい (yes)

The Aerial Assassin patted Kenji on the shoulder before taking his leave. The Rainmaker talked with his student.

Kazuchika: 私はこれがNJPWとのあなたの最後の戦いだと聞いた(I heard this is your last fight for NJPW)

Kenji: はい (yes)

He nodded.

Kazuchika: 私はあなたのことを誇りに思っており、それがあなたのメンターであり友人であることを光栄に思っています。(I just want to say that I'm proud of you and it's been an honor to be your mentor and friend)

The master and apprentice hugged each other. Then they bow at one another.

Kazuchika: 今行き、家を取り壊す(now go and tear the house down)

Kenji: yes sensei

Kenji grabbed his title and went out of the locker room while Kazuchika looked on with a proud look on his face.

(In the ring)

Will and Kenji already made their entrances while the Tokyo Dome was loud with the crowd cheering. The Filipino Samurai and the Aerial Assassin shook hands before locking up.

(End of match)

Will hit Pip Pip Cheerio on Kenji, but it was only good enough for a two count. The Aerial Assassin admired his best friend's never say die attitude. He picked Kenji up and he ran to the ropes to hit the Oscutter, but Kenji used his strength to stop the move's execution.

The Filipino Samurai got Will in the powerbomb position and hit his finisher, Gojira (Canadian Destroyer). The two were laying in the middle of the ring from fatigue. Kenji crawled to Will's body for the count, but Will managed to get his shoulder up.

Kenji picked up Will to hit another Gojira, but the Aerial Assassin got out of it and hits a step up enziguri, fazing the Filipino Samurai. Will then ran to the ropes and hits the Oscutter on Kenji.

The Aerial Assassin pinned him, and the match was over. The referee handed Will the IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title; then Will helped his best friend to his feet.

Will and Kenji shared a emotional embrace while confetti rained down. The rest of CHAOS came out to give Kenji a proper send off. The whole stable group hugged in the middle of the ring as they have a brotherhood with each other. After that, they leave Kenji, so the Filipino Samurai can soak in his final moments in the NJPW ring. He bowed to the crowd while they give him a standing ovation.

He got out of the ring and went to the ramp before giving one last bow and a wave before disappearing behind the curtain.

(A few weeks later)

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