Chap 2: Excouji Me?

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Before the take off...

"Shimmy shimmy shimmiya shimmiya... Bad gal goes swalla lala bust down my wrist nnana..."

Bust down your wrist in your own *beep*

"...Oh oh ohhh ooo ohh swalla freaky freaky gallll"

Right. Freaky. Very freaky.

Everything had a limit, and so had Seokjin's patience. He had been awake for straight two days, eaten nothing but a snickers for the past 7 hours, had a 3hours meeting before catching the flight and had to survive the next 14 hours in here as he was taking his flight to the States for delivering the file on his research. He had to shift to his slumber before the take off, because he wasn't sure if he would be able to do it later. Managing a good window seat was a blessing.
But what he strongly wished to do then sitting on his seat was sleeping, and NOT dancing hip hop!

Yet the guy next to him seemed to have other ideas. That weirdo even break danced. And was that a hip thrust?

"Excuse me." No answer.

The orange haired guy not only shut his ears with earphones but also shut his brain from the world. Seokjin wondered how to shut his mouth too.

The air-hostess sitting close-by seemed to have noticed the Jason Derulo (with orange hair and turtleneck sweater) and the annoying look on his neighbour's face. She called out from her seat.

"You just want attention... You don't want my heartu..."


Seokjin was much surprised at how fast (at the speed of 3×10^8 m/s) she caught the boy's attention.

"Excouji me?" He said, still wearing his earplugs.

That just brought Seokjin in strong need to peel his orange head off.

"Sir, your song is nice. But can you please keep it down?"

"What? You liked my song? That I will rub on Mark's face."

"Yes very much. But not everyone will like it this loud right?"

The boy was finally back from his ethereal world and to his senses. He pulled the earplugs out and mumbled an "apologies, my lady", making 'the lady' turn her attention back to another kid who strewed candy wrappers in the aisle.

"Must be hard to be an air-hostess right? She has to bear with such nuisances." The boy said to Seokjin, eyeing the hostess with pity who was then having a stern talk with the parents of that earlier kid.

"Ironic coming from you." Seokjin muttered under his breath.

"No whispering, bad habit you didn't tell me your name, right? Okay, I am Jimin...Park Jimin the ultimate."(not Derulo)

Jimin had his right hand in front of Seokjin, ready for a handshake.

"Why are you eyeing my hands like I have six fingers? And please don't start that 'awww your hand ish cho cute' thing, I already know it. I was famous in my high school for having such cute hands."

Jimin looked from side to side as if he was checking the road before crossing...and he whispered,"But let me tell you, they may appear cute, but they are not that innocent!" Jimin winked followed by a smirk.

Lord give me strength to bear with this Park Jimin the whatever and his puny hands!

Seokjin just knew to do one thing at that moment as he was deprived of his sleep totally.

He ignored.


"Tae..." The black haired boy tried his best convincing the younger, who was close to digging his own grave.

"No Yoongi hyung, I'm not listening to ya. It is now or never."

"But how do you suppose to do it in such a packed up place? Are you gonna steal it? Chloroform him on his way to the restroom?"

"Maybe I will just ask nicely and he will handover it to me. The professor can't be that rude, in fact he has a cute visual as I see it." The guy snickered earning an eye roll from the older.

"I've to do it anyways. Money won't walk up its way to me."

"You could have chosen anything else and not this shit."

"Not when shit's gonna make you a million dollar's richer."

"You meant-shit's gonna cost you your life."

"Jeez Yoongles... Since when have you started to give any value of lives?"

"I never stopped it FYI. I might have appeared reckless but it was down on the streets. If you are caught, how are you gonna escape? Fly down?" He wasn't wrong. The younger seriously had no plan A under his sleeves, let alone plan B. Plan C was surely dying, jumping off a soaring airplane or to be caught red handed.

" no Superman. But you know, it'll worth a shot."

"Guess you won't fly down then, you are going UP, to the hell."

"Um...But the hell is down, right?"

"Woah! Watch out there birdies!" Hoseok yelled at the birds. The plane wasn't soaring that high, clearly gaining attention from the confused af birds.

But what seemed more confusing to Jungkook was Hoseok's attitude. He had the mouth of no pilot but Captain Jack Sparrow.

"Hoseok hyung, I think it's time to report the..." Jungkook was interrupted by a seagull like bird crashing flat on their plane's window.

Namjoon started,"Jungkook turn on the windshield wiper..."

"Are you kidding me, lead-hyung? No Kooks, don't you do such a thing." Hoseok whined like a small baby.

"It's just a seagull Hobi" Namjoon chuckled at his dongsaeng's cuteness.

"By the time goes, you will understand what value one petty life holds."

Hey Ur my hope I'm ur hope I'm J-Hope or Hoseok, the co-pilot there. That seagull got a headache when he hit himself on the plane. Why don't you kiss his woo woo away? 1vote=1 kiss (coz author is poor af cant even buy painkillers )

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