My Unlucky Day

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Agent 16's POV
I would be looking at the mission select, noticing a station called "Lucky Station!" I just selected it because.
I would then spawn into the station, walk forward a bit before I tripped over a crack in the floor, I would then start to search for my CQ-80, I would discover it was missing, until I discovered it somehow got tied up into my tentacles.
I would then select the weapon, the CQ-80 would start to glitch until I finally just selected a splattershot, At this point, I was getting tired of this.
I would then super jump to the spawn point, only to land in a bellyflop. "OOF!" I would yell as I landed.
I would then bumble my way through the station, turns out the unluckiness was required for the station. I bumbled, which I turned out I was dodging the enemies ink volleys.
Then the unluckiness ended

I would then go all out, I would be splatting enemies left, right and center. I would then gather the power of Inkulation in my arm, it would travel through the splattershot's barrel, and I would unload like hell, smoking all of the enemies in my path.
I would then sprint as fast as I could before any more enemies could block my path, I would see the goal, and I would leap, I would make contact, as in I slammed into it unintentionally....
Which completed the mission

Why must I march like this, Don't knowIf I am lucky enough, I might survive But that rarely works, not even the clover works

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Why must I march like this, Don't know
If I am lucky enough, I might survive
But that rarely works, not even the clover works.

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