Smashing Through My Barriers

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I would then look through the station map, to find the "Extremities" Station, having little clue, I would just select the station.
I would walk onto the station platform, and the hooded figure would pull down her hood to find an inkling, black ink with the occasional pink highlight
Her name was Crown.
She pulled out a Splash-O-Matic.
She would say "Be prepared, this station takes everything to the EXTREME"
I would discover that there was no weapons, so I was forced to use Inkulation .
We would superjump into "Extremities"
All of a sudden
At least fifty concentrated bolts of ink flew overhead, alarming is both, I would activate Inkulation to increase my speed, Crown would just create her own path, at very high speeds, she was all most catching up to me, we walked into the next area, and here I could not cheat, Crown just said: "Keep Low, these octarians are used to airborne enemies" I would fire a volley of ink for me to swim through, and I couldn't harm the enemies though, because they had shields up and everything, eventually the enemies got smart because they started to fire at the ground knowing Crown and I were swimming, but we were naturally faster than their ink could fly.
We would then take a secret route that Crown knew.
This eventually lead us to something that was called a "Rainmaker" Crown would hoist it over her shoulder, then her goal was to destroy the fifty enemies.
Crown would launch a large volley of ink from the rainmaker that destroyed 10 enemies each shot
Five Rainmaker Shots Later
Me and Crown would just walk to the goal after Crown slammed down the Rainmaker onto its pedestal, somehow not denting it. I would use Inkulation to just send a small but powerful ball of ink to activate the goal, me and Crown touches the goal together finally defeating Extremities.

 I would use Inkulation to just send a small but powerful ball of ink to activate the goal, me and Crown touches the goal together finally defeating Extremities

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Overhead flies the ink
Always splatting somebody
In this world, it is kill or be killed

It's Out!
Sorry for the extremely long delay in publishing for this book! I might be taking a break next weekend to just leave this story for a bit, and make some more chapters for other story's and also chat with some friends please check out my profile

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