Boy In The Forest

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3rd Person POV

After what seemed like a long ride which was about an hour, they arrived at the said forest. Exiting the vehicle and standing infront of it for a couple of minutes.

"So....what now?"

"I don't know, do we just enter and find him?"

"This is not going to end well."

"Shall we enter first?"

Not like there was anything stopping them so they did. They also decided to split up to cover more areas of the forest.

Hours came by, they did pass by a few spots that looked good, such as a lake, a cave. They found a cliff too which was probably where he fell. They didn't know exactly what to look for so they search about.

Until they have finally gotten sick of looking around aimlessly. Dick met up with Jason and they decided to call for the other 2 to decide on something better than to wonder about.

"How long are you going to carry that rabbit?" Jason groaned.

"Well, it was getting chased and it was so pitiful-"


And with that, they found the other 2.

"So....any clues?" Jason asked as he crossed his arms and lean against a tree.

"What do you expect, with what information we have before coming here?" Grumbled Damian.

"You'll think it'll be easy to find a shape-shifting person in a forest, he could be anywhere!" Dick sighed, sitting on a tree stump.

"You were looking for me?" A foreign voice came out as all of them got alerted.

But they couldn't find where the voice come from.

"Show yourself!"

"Sorry, I thought you'd known. The voice seem to be near Dick.

They faced him just in time to see the white bunny grow, joints popping into a human male with just pants. And very noticeable light coloured hair.

A few minutes of staring.

"Um. I'm guessing you like rabbits but you can let go of me now." He slowly said before they, especially Dick realised that he was still holding the unknown guy. He let go immediately.

And the atmosphere became awkward.

"Well if there's nothing else y'all want to say or do, I'm leaving." He said as he turned to leave.

That was before 'someone' attempted to capture him. In which his reaction was fast enough to let him notice and dodge all the attacks before returning a kick to the stomach.

"Sorry, not into clingy people." He taunt with a slight smug and got a growl back which only made him chuckle.

Jason tried next, he had thought he'll be able to last longer or do better than Damian.

Which Jason kind of did, he landed some hit on the boy and he soon got annoyed.

"I will not hesitate to bite you." The boy growled.

"Come then, sweetheart." Jason taunt.

The boy seemed to lunge forward and just as Jason was about to land another blow. He turned into a wolf and bit his arm.

While all this chaos let loose. Dick soon decided to try something.

"If I were to ask nicely. Like. Would you be willing to come with us please. It's important-" he got cut off.

"That's all you needed to say to be honest." He laughed softly before he turned back into a bunny and jumped into the arms of Dick.

"Onwards, my noble steed."


"Hey, no complaining, I'm coming with no fuss."

"As if!! You were attacking-"

"You started it."

"Guess we complete the task....kind of?"

But unbeknownst to the boy himself. He must have been tired after communicating with the 4 Robins. It's been awhile since it was a chaotic meeting. He somehow fell asleep on the lap of Dick Grayson.

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