"Did I fucking ask you to speak!?" The man yelled, clearly mad as he slapped the smaller boy, his cheek stinging painfully. Jungkook felt the mans crusty lips touch his neck, making his groan in disgust, still trying to get away. This wasn't to the mans liking, as he felt a blow straight to his stomach, gasping out painfully.

"P-please s-stop"

The old man didn't bother stopping, only moving downward Jungkooks body. Jungkook felt his heart beat quicken as the male tore his shirt off, looking around to see any way to get out of the situation. 

Suddenly his eyes landed on the cracked beer bottle only a few feet away, trying to come up with a plan in his head. Jungkook gasped as the male grabbed his ass roughly, a small sound of pain coming out of his mouth as he realized whatever he was planning to do, he had to do right now. 

With that, he kneed the mans crotch, pushing him onto the floor before running away, grabbing cracked beer bottle off the floor and into his hands. 

"D-Don't come any closer!" Jungkook yelled, pointing the sharp edge at the male as he got up off the floor. He didnt know why he didn't just run away, maybe go to the store and report it to someone, but right now, he was paralyzed, unable to move as the mans jaw clenched in anger. 

Jungkook swallowed the lump forming in his throat, the man was moving closer and closer to Jungkook, and he had no idea what to do. 

His breath hitched as the male started running to him, doing the only logical thing he could think of in the moment, and throwing the bottle at his head. 

A loud gasp emitted from his mouth as the man dropped onto the ground, blood dripping from the side of his head. 


Jungkook jumped at his name being yelled, bursting into tears as he stepped away from the unconscious body, only to bump into another. He flinched, cowering as he turned around to face the person he bumped into. 

"Oh god, Jungkook, a-are you okay,"

Taehyung asks, placing two fingers by Jungkooks neck. 

"D-Did I kill him, I-I didn't mean to, he-he was- a-and I d-didnt know wh-what to d-do, o-oh god," 

Taehyung gulped as he finally put the puzzle pieces together, glancing down to Jungkook ripped shirt and bruised stomach. "Jungkook, breathe, you did nothing wrong, look he's breathing, he's alive, okay?"

Jungkook turned around, swallowing slowly before nodding, instinctively backing away from the unconscious male. 

You're so fucking weak Jungkook. This is why you're father left you. This is why no one will ever like you. You're a waste of space, nobody will ever like you. You should just listen to everyone and just die.

"Hey, just hang on, okay? I need to call someone, okay?" Jungkook nodded, eyes blurry as he turned to face the other side, wiping his tears away.

"Kai, come to *** as fast as you can, yeah he's unconscious, yes he's breathing... Okay, I need to go, thanks,

He turns around to face me. "Are you okay, Jungkook?" He whispers, looking down Jungkook to make sure. "Y-Yeah, uhm h-he's okay r-right..?" Jungkook asks, glancing back at the male. "He's fine Jungkook, you did what you had to do, okay? You wont be seeing him anytime soon, don't worry." Jungkook slowly nodded, still a little dazed after what happened. 

"Alright, lets go," Taehyung mumbles, lifting Jungkook off the floor and into his arms, earning a loud, audible gasp from Jungkook. 

"W-What are you-"

It Hurts [taekook]Where stories live. Discover now