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The end of junior year was approaching Amelia and Dustin. It was crazy how fast this year has gone by for them.
Amelia's point of view
It was the end of may, high school has been a weird time. Dustin and I have been best friends since the third grade. We usually just stayed friends, but there were a couple of times where we had some chemistry between us. But nothing too far, we care about our friendship too much. We don't want to risk it for anything.
We always meet by our stop sign on the way to school so we can walk together.
Dustin: "Hey Amelia, how was your morning?"
Me: "Oh it was okay, why do you ask?"
Dustin: "Because I'm a nice guy"
We both laugh.
"You ready for finals next week?" I ask.
Dustin: "No haha. We should study together like last year"
Me: "Of course! Can we study in our special place?"
Dustin: "Obviously"
Dustin and I created a special place in a tree. We were neighbors and our windows were right across from each other. He would just walk over to my house from his room from a giant tree that was between our houses. I guess it was like a tree house, but not quite.

Finally it was lunch time.
Dustin was basically the hottest guy in school. Yeah, I didn't like him like that, but I'll admit it. Every girl has had a crush on him at least once in their life, including me. The cheerleaders in our grade are so annoying. They always try to sit with us at lunch just because they find him attractive. At our table, it's Dustin, all of the football guys, some cheerleaders, and I. I'm the only one there that's not into some sport. Dustin has told me that tons of guys find me cute, but I don't believe him.

Amber: "I love your outfit Amelia. It's so cute."
Amber, the most basic girl. Her closet consisted of all see through leggings, crop tops, and Vans shoes.
Amelia: "Thank you!"
Dustin was smiling at me. He's so cute. Wait did I just think he's cute?
Dustin: "Hey Mia! Come sit with us!"
Mia, she was on the dance team. She had the perfect body and was very pretty. She looked like a Barbie.
Mia: "Hey Dustin"
Dustin: "Hey Mia, come sit next to me."
Okay what the heck! This is weird. Next thing you know they'll be kissing!
Mia: "Hi Amelia what's up"
Amelia: "Nothing much, I'm so stressed for finals right now"
Maybe I was just being dramatic about Dustin and Mia...
Mia: "Same! And isn't Dustin so hot? He's the hottest guy ever. I could just kiss him right now"
Okay I wasn't being dramatic.
Why is she asking me this right in front of him? Is she trying to make me furious? If so it's working.
Amelia: "Um, I didn't know you guys were a thing? Dustin?"
All of the football guys were doing that stupid WOOOH thing. Why do guys have to be so annoying? And why does Mia have to be so annoying! Dustin is my best friend.
I rolled my eyes.
Mia: "Yeah, we've been texting for weeks and I guess we just sort of.. clicked."
Dustin wrapped his arm around her.
I felt my eyes tearing up but I didn't cry, because that's just dumb, right?
I mean it's not like I'm dating him or anything! So why am I getting so upset?
"I'm happy for you guys" I said quietly. Trying to cover up the horrendous feelings I've been holding inside.
Mia: "See Dustin, she doesn't care at all. Don't be a baby"
That was odd.

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