"I will next year." Katie said

"Same!" Gracie agreed

"Okay I'm going to bed." I walked to my trunk and pulled out some pyjamas and went to the bathroom to shower and get changed.

I went to bed and called out ,"Night Guys."
And was echoed with 'nights' and 'good night '
I closed my eyes and felt myself drifting off to dreamland.


I woke up early once again and got dressed I didn't bother with my hair today but brushed it and left it straight.(If your hair is naturally curly then ignore that part and say you straitened it).

Everyone was still in bed even Katie,who liked to wake up early as well. I sighed in annoyance and screamed ." Wake up! You lazy cows!" They groaned but sat up anyway aside from,you guessed it, Gracie .


"Five more minutes!" I sighed and walked to the bathroom,filled a cup with cold water,walked back out and poured it over her head. She sat up at the speed of light "(Y/N) (Mi/N) (L/N) ! Why did you do that !"

"We Have transfiguration first period." I replied innocently . Oh and breakfast is soon." That woke her up quickly and everyone got ready . We made our way to breakfast.


We walked into the Great hall and walked to the Hufflepuff table.

"Hey Queenie!" Sam teased as I sat down with them.

"Hi you moron!" I replied in mock excitement.

"Ooh Queenie's got a bite !" Cedric joined in.

"Ahh I'm so afraid!" Noah added

"You idiots! Leave her alone!" Lauren defended me and smacked Sam on the back of his head. I gave her a grateful smile.

"How do you deal with them ?" I addressed Lauren.

"Truthfully, I have no clue !" We giggled and I took a piece of toast and nibbled on it.

"Okay ladies you done?" Sam asked and slung his arm around Lauren's shoulder. She scowled at him but let him carry on.

"Yep. "I said" Are any of you trying out for quidditch?"

"Yeah." Lauren said " I wanna be chaser!"

"Same! I hope we both make it!" I squealed.

"I'm Co-captain so I don't need to retry." Noah said.

"Lucky for you!" Cedric narrowed his eyes at Noah mockingly"I have to retry." Cedric looked down bitterly.

"Don't be so bitter, Diggory! The rest of the team have to retry too." I reassured him"Who's captain anyway?"

"Ethan Humberstone . He's sat over there ." Noah pointed to a tall blond guy sat near the left end of the table.

"Okay." I replied simply Time to get on the good side of Humberstone.

"Just so you know, Ethan doesn't care about if your his friend or not ." Well then...

"Wasn't planning anything." I gave Noah a tight lipped smile.

We ate breakfast while joking around until it was time to go to transfiguration. I bumped into someone,

"Oh I'm so sorry!" I apologised and looked up at the person I bumped into." Ava!" I gave my sister a tight hug.

She chuckled " Hiya (Y/N) !" Then she walked to her next lesson.


I walked into the classroom and sat near the back. I waited and Katie and Gracie sat either side of me.

"Hi guys!" I greeted them.

"Hi (Y/N) ." They replied in unison and we started giggling and joking until class started.

"Okay class listen up!" All attention was on Professor McGonagall." Any messing about in my classroom will result in you leaving and never coming back." She said seriously.

"Today we will be transfigering a matchstick," she pointed her wand at the matchstick"Into a needle." She turned it into a shiny silver needle.
She demonstrated again while saying the incarnation out loud this time.

We all scrambled to grab a match and returned to our respective desks. I tried but failed and repeated doing so until I kind of succeeded. Well it was half a needle ,half a match . I tried again and this time I was successful!

I called the professor over and she inspected the needle and picked it up to show it to the whole class ." Miss (L/N) has done it ! 10 points to Hufflepuff." The Hufflepuff side of the room cheered and Katie teased me ,

"You really are the queen of Hufflepuff!" We laughed and I walked around trying to help people.

The class ended and I was excited for the next lesson, Charms! We were gonna be doing a practical lesson. Yes!


Thank you guys so much for 100 reads !
It may seem like a small amount to some but I am truly grateful!

Word count:1196

Signing off~ Star 💫

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