Moving In

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Today is the day that I'm moving in with Aria, I kind of feel a bit shocked about the feeling of moving in with someone who I like, barely met a month ago, but I am pretty comfortable with her and she's been there for me when nobody else was.

All my boxes were all over the place, I didn't know what was what.

"Brandon, hurry up oh my god. You take longer than a girl usually does." Aria yells from outside.

I begin to laugh and start to carry my boxes outside.

One after the other, the house was soon empty. I stand by the doorway, and it feels like I'm missing something. I realize. what I was missing.

I run to the kitchen and look over at the table. I almost forgot to picture Kara and I took together.

I grab it, and put it against my chest, reminiscing over her warmth, as I dearly missed her. I stand at the doorway again, and look into the once empty house. Yeah, I lived with my parents, but mostly everything was mine.

So technically to begin with, it was my house. They just lived here because I had the money and they didn't.

I get into the car, and Aria starts her car engine. She says her house is a two hour drive, but she was staying at a hotel so she could be closer to me in case of an emergency. She's so nice to me.

Through-out the whole car ride, I looked out the window and listened to my own music.

Aria and I were usually quiet during car rides, which was really weird considering her and I were super close and we considered each other best friends.

I ended up falling asleep in the car, and when I woke up, we were stopped at a gasoline station. Aria might have stopped to use the restroom or something, luckily I used it before we even left. I noticed that she put a blanket over me while I was asleep. How sweet.

I suddenly turn to my other side and see her approaching her car while she was on her phone. I suddenly pretended to continue sleeping, so she wouldn't notice I woke up.

She gets in the car and shuts the door, and continues talking.

"Yeah, I know Julia, it's a bit risky for him to move in with me but I mean, he's really nice, and he's a sweetheart. It feels so nice to have someone with me and not be alone, plus I want to see how it is living with someone like him."

What is she talking about? and who is Julia? Perhaps one of her bestfriends..

"Shut up Julia." Aria giggles and sighs. "It'll be nice knowing more about him."

I smile a little and then move around so it seems like I'm sleeping normally.

"Oh crap, I gotta go. I'm almost home anyway but I think Brandon's waking up. I'll call you over there."

She hangs up and starts the car engine, five minutes later I decided to wake up, and pretend like nothing happened.

I yawn and stretch and turn to look at Aria.

"Are we almost there yet?" I rub my eyes and look out the window.

"Actually, yes, we are." Aria smiles a bit and I look at the house that's infront of us. It isn't too big, nor too small, it's the perfect size for the both of us.

Wait that sounds wrong.. but you know what I mean.

"Nice place you got here." I stratch the back of my head and she nods. I slowly get out of the car and open the trunk. I start unpacking while Aria opens the door and makes sure there's space for me in her house.

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