"Why would we need too?" she asked.

"It brings out the extra detail of-" he stopped.

"Brings out the detail of what?" she asked. "Come on don't leave me hanging."

"Well, I was gonna say that it brings out the extra detail in your face," he said.

She stopped painting his mask. She looked down at her paint palette.

"I'm sorry," he said. "This is weird isn't it?"

"What's weird?" she asked looking back up at him.

"This," he said. "Us. The sections."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, it's weird because, we aren't allowed to be friends," he said.

"But you said that it-"

"I know, what I said about the laws saying we couldn't see each other, and that's true, but we both know what it's really saying."

"Well, yeah, but that shouldn't stop us," she said.

He shook his head, "You're right we shouldn't, and we haven't let it."

There was a long pause. "Leif?"


"When is that dance?"

His eyes were wide with wonder. Was she really asking him that? He thought that she was that girl that wasn't too rebellious, but just enough to talk to him. He thought that she'd never ask, literally.

"It's in August," he whispered. "August 16th I think."

"Why are you whispering," she whispered.

"I don't know, because it seems like something you need to whisper about."

She laughed slightly.

"Are you really going to come? 'cause I mean, you don't have to," he said.

"I want to," she said plainly.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

She paused... "Yeah," she said. "Yeah, I'm sure."

He went home that day in a magical daze, but when he laid down in bed that night, the daze went away and an intense fear began to rise up in him. What if they got caught? What if someone took off her mask or his mask? Or both?

He couldn't sleep that night. But a few days went by and he felt better, but then a few weeks, then a few months until it was the night of the dance. Now he was really freaking out, but he couldn't back out now.

He'd had bought a blue suit the day before. It was a scary nice suit considering he got it from a thrift store, and to get anything fancy that wasn't red was certainly a find. He'd given the suit to Jordan, for some slight adjustments. He hadn't seen her in the dress yet, honestly, she hadn't let him see the dress at all. He knew it was red, but he didn't know how she was going to accessorize it.

He was so nervous, but he was going to try not to show it. Although she was probably nervous too, so what the heck right? He hoped that she wouldn't be nervous enough to back out, but he didn't want to pressure her into going either.

"I'm going mom," he said. "Wish me luck."

"Good, luck, if there's any way, then bring her back for dinner," she said.

"Her parents want her back right after the dance, so I don't think we can do that. Sorry," he said as he walked out the door.

"Oh, well tell her I said 'Hi' then!"

The Spark of RebellionWhere stories live. Discover now