Chapter 5

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"After breakfast can I meet the pack? And I also need to visit the pack doctor." I say.

"I thought you'd never ask. But why do you need to see the pack doctor?" 

"Don't worry about that....So back to twenty questions, I think it's your turn."

"Ok, how many boyfriends have you had...? I've only had one girlfriend." He says with a slight grin on his face.

"You're lying but I'l tell you anyways, I've had about seven boyfriends." I say and then pause. As I look at him it's like his face fell so I grab the hand he is not using to drive and hold it to my chest and kiss his fingertips. "Baby what's wrong?"

"So you didn't wait for me" He asks with a stony facade that's falling at the corners where it seems like he is about to cry. 

"First I never really knew you existed so... but still I actually have very little experience, in fact most of my of my experience came from books, and my first three boyfriends don't exactly count because I never kissed them. Though my first kiss was in kindergarten on the mats, but it was more like he took advantage of me because I didn't know what I was doing. When was your first kiss?" I question right as we pull into a parking space at The Pfunky Griddle.

"Last night, because you were my first kiss. And whoever that guy was I want to tear him limb from limb...but at least now you know what you're doing." He says right before he leans in and holds my lips hostage in a kiss. Wow...I think I just saw fireworks. I deepen the kiss and he rubs the side of my breast then we break away because we are both extremely hungry and are in a hurry to see the pack. 


Brunch went by quite fast but some parts felt very long due to the fact Sam kept testing my ability to feel things rubbing my thigh, but other than that it went by quickly. So we were saying our see you later's or in my case I'll come by your house to pick up my stuff because I have a ride home. Then Sam and I got in the truck and headed towards the pack house, which happens to be the backwoods down the street from my house. 

We get out of the truck and make our way over to his family house. "Hey babe, when we go pick up my stuff from Lilah's house I'm going to tell her to tell my mom I'm staying there but I will actually be staying with you. Is that ok?" I ask.

"That's fine for now but you really need to tell your mom soon, I really want to meet her. Oh and there will also be a party held in your honor."

"I will tell her as soon as possible. Well ok. But after I meet your family you need to take me to the pack doctor, no questions asked and you can;t stay. Tell me important things I should know about your family such as how many siblings you have, who's your favorite, and their names and ages, if also your grandparents are alive and their names, and your mom's name," I rant on.

"I have eight siblings, four brothers and four sisters, their names and ages are; Hunter is 22, Elias is 20, Kennedy is 16, Kenzi is 15, Alexa is 11, Chase is 8, Kyle is 3 and so is Kylie. That's obviously in order and I am after Elias, I'm sixteen, Kennedy and I are twins and my favorite is Kylie and she definitely knows it. Kennedy's first name is Samantha but she likes her independence so she decided to go by Kennedy. Both of my mom's parents are alive, mi Abuela y Abuelo, Selena and Pedro, my dad's mom is still alive, Abuelita Carmen. My mom's name is Carletta and my dad's name was Jasper," he says.

"Wow! Tu familia es muy grande. Quiero una familia grande, tambien." I say smiling brightly.

"So my mate knows Spanish," he says beaming at me.

"Yes my family line is part Hispanic and Native American. Oh and the obvious African American."

"Yep! Now let's meet my family. I hear them whispering. Well ladies first." he says as he opens the door.

"Luna!" They all say in unison before they bow. 

"No need for all that, we are all family!" I say before I really think about it. "Now let's put faces to names." After that I meet everyone except Selena and Pedro, and Sam's dad obviously. Sam walks me over to the pack doctor's office where I meet Selena, Sam's grandmother ad head pack doctor, and Jasmine, a woman in her mid-twenties and second in command pack doctor. "Doctor Jasmine, may I talk to you?" I wave bye to Sam.

"Sure, anything for you Luna, and please just call me Jasmine."

"Ok, well I'm in high school and I can't afford to get pregnant but I want to complete the mating. Is there any way to achieve both of them?" I ask.

"Yes, but only one. You have to mate on the night of the new moon but it also must be under the it and both parties must be willing to comply." She gives me a knowing look.

"Thank you so much!" I yell as I run out of the office. I stop when I see Selena. "How much of the conversation did you hear?"

"Enough, and I think its a wonderful idea! That's what me and my husband did our first mating because I needed to finish medical school." She has an endearing smile on her face.

"Thank you, now I've gotta find Sam and talk to him about it." I say smiling back at her, I turn and run smack dab into Sam.

"What are you two ladies talking about?" He raises an eyebrow in question.

"Girl stuff," I squeak shyly.

"Oh really, and what might those things be?" He asks while wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Can we talk about this at your house?"

"Sure babe." He then proceeds to lead me the opposite way of his family home.

"Hey! Where are we going?"

"To the Alpha's house aka our house."

"What do you mean our house? I can't move in until after high school." I rebut.

"Well you can at least stay on the weekends and we can work getting you here on the weekdays."

"Ok!" I say as we walk up the wooden steps to my new home.

"So what do you think about the house?" He asks as he slowly pulls my shirt off and pushes me o the couch. Then he starts kissing down my neck.

"It's sooooo...beautiful! Baby wha-at are you dooing?" 

"Well you said that you found a natural remedy so you wouldn't get pregnant..." He says shyly.

"Oh really, I don't remember actually telling YOU that but if you would have started eaves dropping earlier then you would have heard that it has to be done on a new moon in order for it to work. If it went on I could have gotten pregnant." I begin crying for no reason.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

"I don't what's wrong, I don't even know why I'm crying!"

"Oh I know, the fact that you have werewolf blood, very potent werewolf blood I might add, your body thinks like mine: we are suppose to mate right after I mark you. But we can't do that and also because we've messed around and you're also a female, it triggered the withdrawals."

"I don't know if I can last until the next new moon." I state.

"When is the next new moon?" He ask.

"I don't know...just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I kn-know everything!" I hysterically yell.

"Yeah this needs to happen really soon because if it doesn't every time we are away from each other  your out burst will get worse and become public." I must look horrified because he gives me a shaky smile. He looks up all the new moons and full moons for the next six months. The next new moon phase is Wednesday.

"Well since we gotta do it outside let's do it on a roof." A very devious smile appears on my face.

"Let's go pick up your bag...and please I'm begging you go put on a shirt."

"Oh ok."


The house (Sam and now Keeley's house)!

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