Chapter 8

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We are still in an embrace and I slowly lean away because I remember he is completely naked and I don't want a repeat of what just happened. I slowly look up at his face and he looks slightly pissed off, "why did you run?"

"I didn't think about it, all I thought about was not getting things heated when we couldn't finish them till Wednesday." I say but I was afraid to say the other thing I want to.

"Don't be afraid, I'm your mate I won't hurt you, and I want you to talk to me."

"Ok...well, I don't think we should touch in any way until Wednesday because we keep going a little further and further each time." I say shyly.

"I don't like that idea, let's modify it a little. How about we can kiss...only on the lips or cheek.... Off the subject I want to give you this." I look and see a black velvet box, he opens it and it contains a rose gold banded diamond ring and a rose gold bracelet with an encrusted diamond and pearl clasp. Inside the bracelet it read, 'What's the Sky without its Star' and inside the ring it read, 'Forever and a Day (inside a heart me & u)'. The clasp of the bracelet is shaped like a wolf and human kissing, the way it comes together is shaped like a heart. "I love you and I want to be with you all the time. So where these...always. And I know you feel worthless when I 'touch you' this is a promise we will be together always."

He puts them on me making me feel like a princess. We go back to our room and get dressed, after I'm dressed I eat. By the time I'm done eating I put my dishes in the sink and take my bags to the trunk. He hops in and we start driving when a question pops into my head. "Is there anything else you've been keeping from me besides I have a wolf?" I say with a 'you better tell me the truth' look. 

"'d you find out?" he asks.

"I'll tell you later, now answer my question!" I demand.

"Ok! Well, Stephen, you know him. He is the joker as well as the second string player of the pack, my best friend, and my beta..." He glances at me to see a very dirty pissed off scowl on my face. "He is not that bad once you get to know him...well you friend Ciera is his mate he hasn't told her and she doesn't feel the pull because she is human so don't bring it up. Luke, I know you hate him-"

"I don't hate anyone but I strongly dislike him."

He kept talking as if I hadn't interrupted him, "but he is my third command, and I don't like him that much myself sometimes, but Delilah is his mate...he is the player and dick of the pack so he doesn't really want to accept her. But for the sake of the pack he said he will at the next game. And last but not least, really it is the most important...I plan on getting you pregnant within a year." He whispers the last part but due to my new found wolf senses I heard him and I sense his fear. But he should be scared.

"What!? What about my life, what about what I want, and what about school?" I sputter.

"Baby don't be mad...I am really suppose to get you pregnant within the first month of us meeting. It is no more 'my life' it's our life, besides you always wanted kids and a lot of them so why not start now. As for school you won't be kicked out you're pregnant, you will get 'sick' right before you start to show and then after you have our pups you will be out another month or two, go back to school and take extra online courses so you can graduate early. And my sister's best friend will pick up all your school work and homework and turn it in for you," he finishes.

I look out the window with a disgusted face because I know if I look at him I won't be mad, sad, or hurt at all I'd be happy. I mean I want to have babies...his babies actually, I don't mind the time off, and I would love to graduate early. "Look at me," he whispers with so much hurt and desperation I can't stand to do this to him, so I look and the look of disgust on my face turns to pure joy, happiness, and love.

"Ok but my question for all this is what about college and medical school?" I ask for some reason needing him to give me the ok.

"You can go to night school at David Lipscomb and for medical school you can go to Abuela because she is a medical professor. What kind of medicine do you wanna do?"

"High risk obstetrics and gynecology." I say proudly.

"So why not do midwifery then that's less school, more time with the kids, and you can do it for the pack!" he says smiling.

"You know what...that's a perfect idea! I can do the thing I love and still be with the guy I love!" I beam then I notice we are down the street from our schools. "Wait, you didn't say much about Emma and Luke, is she a werewolf?"

"No but she's a temptress; it's a human female who comes from a long line of gypsies intermingled with witches but they practice in a different way, meaning they lure men and go from on to another...they feed off of the men's sense of love and lust. But when a temptress finds love she hold steadfast carrying all of her baggage also if you leave a temptress in love you and your family will be cursed, or in our case the pack," he answers.

"That makes perfect sense!" I say as we pull up in front of my school. I pick up my backpack, look out the window, and turn to say something to Sam, "talk to Stephen, tell him to tell Ciera because it has to get done." There's a long pause then I say, "I love you baby, I'll see you tomorrow after school!"

"What?! I can't see you tonight?" he says with a pout.

"No, but maybe in your dreams!" I say before capturing his lips in a kiss, I start pulling away but he pulls me back and deepens the kiss. This time I actually pull away and say, "what did I say about me tonight and we'll talk, I put my number in your phone under 'All Mines!' I thought about wifey but that doesn't quite fit your personality."

I step out of the truck and walk up the steps and turn to see him staring under my skirt. "Hey!" I yell.

"What? That's all mine!" he says in a playful voice that's when I notice half the school is outside therefore half the school saw us kissing and heard what he said. I glare at him and put a finger over my lips and shew him through mindlink.

'That reminds me I need to teach you to picture link...also Saturday you will by added to the pack. We can talk this way during school but I will block you only during tests and when I'm in the locker room,' he links.

'You need to teach me how to block you too!' I say not really liking the idea of him blocking me at all.

'Just clear your mind then think about the task at hand' he says matter of factually.

'Ok love you gotta go, the girls are coming!' I quickly reiterate.

'Ok but remember don't tell them yet, especially not Delilah!' he says before I block him.


Picture of the ring and Kiss Me or Not by Thompson Square!!!

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