Brittany Luis (No mist )

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Brittany P.O.V

hey. I am Brittany Luis and we recently found out about these god hybrid things called demigoose, no demigods. They are some kind of disgusting mutant. I am so glad I am not a mutant. Oh let me introduce my self, I am Brittany Luis queen bee of Luna high. Oh here comes my favorite bully victim, Thalia Di Angelo. She is like 19 and is just now a senior. When she first showed up at our school she was muttering things under her breath about how thankful she was that some Artemis chick let her quit the hunt and how some boy made her feel amazing. See total nut job. Anyway she always wore like black and chains and had short spiky black hair with electric blue highlights. So goth right. But I have to admit get rid of the black and blue and she is seriously beautiful. But anyway ever since she came to our school I have made her life a living tarturus (what us mortals picked up some demigod frazes). Today I decided to tease her about her dead mother. "Hey Thalia" I like teasing her about her name. I mean who's name is Thalia? "So where's your mommy thals" she froze. "Oh yea she killed herself after she saw your ugly face". She turned around with a scowl set on her face and stomped towards me.  She grabbed me by my hair and pinned me against the lockers. She growled and said "you have no idea what I have been through! you stupid mortals complain about stupid things like not knowing what to wear everyday or getting a c on a math test while we risk our life's every stinking day to save your sorry buts! you have no right to bully us, tell us what to do, or make us feel low! we spend everyday wondering if it will be our last! every hour knowing that we could come across a monster that we cant beat. we have seen so much death and destruction at such young ages you mortals just glimpsing the things we do would drive you completely insane. I could kill you right now but I wont because I am a merciful person. now why don't you go back to your 4 boyfriends and never bug me again." i just stuttered out a "w-w-what a-are -y-y-y-you''. she just stared me right in the eyes and pushed me harder against the lockers. "still cant figure it out can you. well why don't I-" she was cut off by a fit of hysterical laughter from behind her. " Thals leave the stinking mortal alone. I think she peed her pants already" I pretty sure that  whoever said that is about to die. Thalia then did something so crazy none of us expected it. she let go of me and whined. she whined. she said " but neeks I really want to electrocute her!" "no thals she is not worth your time" mystery boy said. sense Thalia let me go I could now get a look at mystery boy. he looked about 18 and he was wearing all black. he had dark black hair and dark blackish brown eyes. he had an Italian completion. he was really hot I have to admit. Thalia  then turned around to face "neeks". she said " nico can I at least reveal who I am before we leave?!" oh so his name was nico. nico responded with a "oh fine Thalia go ahead". Thalia then rushed towards nico and hugged him. she said something like "get Ms.Oleary ready" or something. she then turned back to the gaping crowd and said "well high school idiots, you all know me as Thalia Di Angelo the orphan, the loner, and the punk rock chick, well that was a lie. its true  I am punk rock but that's about all the truth there was in my story. The truth is that I am actually Thalia Di Angelo daughter of Zeus, savior of Olympus, survivor of the second titan war, survivor of the second giant war, former pine tree, survivor of the hesperides garden, former hunter of Artemis, former lieutenant of Artemis,minor goddes of lightning and wife of Nico Di Angelo." she was glowing now and floating of the ground. she looked down and yelped. she muttered "guess Jason doesn't have anything to brag about anymore". She then dropped down to the ground. we were all gaping, all but Nico he was just snickering at our faces. Just then a giant dog with red eyes burst into the school. Thalia just said "well nico looks like our ride is here" they then jumped onto the dog. the dog then ran into the shadows between the gym doors and the wall and disappeared. I never saw Thalia Di Angelo again after that day.

Hi! Did you like it! okay so i keep forgeting to do a disclamer so i am going to do one now and this counts for the whole story, not doing another one.

I DO NOT OWN PJO OR HOO OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

alright well goodbye now!


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