Forgotten Ties

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Petal'kit groaned, her eyes adjusting to the light shining from the entrance. She could barely feel her paws and felt uncomfortable, cold despite the light blaring in her face. She glanced around her view and spotted her brother huddled by a dark orange she. Her brother sound asleep in the shes hold.

"W-where are we?" Petal mewed pathetically, trying to get warm.

"Oh! You're in Riverclan, and I'm gonna be your foster queen. Reed'shine." The kits' eyes widened in confusion as the cat moved closer.

"What's a foster queen, Where's our mommy?" Reed'shine lowered her gaze, unable to look at the kit.

"She's...Gone. B-but she's in a wonderful place, so don't worry!" She mewed out "And one day, you'll get to see her again! And a foster queen is a cat that takes care of you when that happens, but you can call me foster mommy if you want."

"Okay, but when will we get to see our mommy?" Petal'kit asked as she got up, chill still creeping up in her fur.

". . .That's not important right now, for now, you just need to focus on your brothers!" She mewed awkwardly, before gesturing to Pine'kit. "Wake him up, and then get over here. You're both probably cold."

Petal'kit nodded, padding over to her brother and began shaking him. She froze when she saw one of his eyes covered with a large leaf and cobwebs. "What's on his head?" her voice holding concern.

"Oh, it's just for a scratch he got. Don't worry though......u know what a Med cat is?"

"Like Raven'wing?" Reed'shine stammered, before realizing the kit was referring to the Thunderclan medicine cat. "He helps when cats get scratched."

"Yeah, and our Med cat. Dew'fur said your brothers scratch will heal with time. Just don't mess with it until it is healed." Petal nodded, continuing to move her brother. Eventually, his one eye opened and growled.

"Go away Petal'kit, it's too early. ." The kit mewed, curling up more.

Larch'kit get up, were in Riverclan now and we have a foster mommy!" Petal kit mewed loudly, tugging at her brother to get him to stand up.

"No, go aw- Wait what about Riverclan?" Larch'kit asked getting up, but his tone sounded confused. "Wheres our mom, and who is that your calling 'Foster mommy' ?"

"I was confused too, but our foster mommy wants us to join Patch'kit with her." Petal'kit mewed, gesturing to where Patch'kit was sleeping at. Larch'kit reluctantly got up and padded beside her sister as they curled up into Reed'shines embrace.

As minutes began to pass, and the two awake kits grew antsier. Eventually, Larch'kit groaned something in the silence "I'm hungry. . . And my paws are getting cramped."

"Not until Dew'fur says you can, and Apple'dusk should be here with food in a bit. Until then I need you to wait." Reed'shine mewed, lapping at his head. Larch'kit grumbled as Reed licked his head, as his sister Petal'kit watched amused. But she then heard the voices of two cats, and as she looked towards the entrance she saw Tan and grey toms entering.

"Me and Apple'Dusk are back to check up on the kits, are they doing well?" The grey tom asked first, staring down at Petal'kit and her bothers. The tan tom was holding a large grey squirrel looking down at them as well. Petal'kit was just about to ask who they were when her brother Larch'kit stood up defensively in front of his siblings.

"Well at least two of them seem okay, Patch'kit though. ." The grey pelted cat mewed worried, looking down at the still sleeping kit "How long has he been asleep since you got here?"

"He's been asleep since I got here, Dew'fur can we talk about that later? For now, Petal and Larch'kit are in seemingly decent shape to go meet the rest of Riverclan." Reed'shine mewed, pushing the two kits up to the Tan one "For now Apple'dusk, get to know your foster kits and show them the camp while I talk with Dew'fur." Apple'dusk froze dropping the squirrel.

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