16- first date part 2 ✔

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Author's note:   I want to thank everyone that voted, ARRANGED MARRIAGE hit 100 votes. I know that it's not a big deal but it's a big deal to me.  So thank you for everything   

Alex's POV 

"you look beautiful,"  I said before I could stop myself, her cheeks turned red instantly. She looked cute when she blushed. what was wrong with me 

"oh thanks,"  she said shyly 

I took her hand in mine, it fitted perfectly. I carried her to the car 

"wow" she stated 

"you like cars," I asked finding that thought very interesting 

"kind of, " she said sliding in the front seat 

"oh" I got into the driver's side, turned on the engine and we were on our way 

we pulled up at a restaurant, we walked inside

"why isn't anyone here," she asked her eyes scanning  the area for any guest 

"I rented the whole place for us," I said while walking to our table, this was getting so awkward and the evening hasn't even started yet 

"oh great," she said obviously surprise 

we sat down and the waiter came, we ordered and sat in awkward silence 

"so, what's your favorite   color,  " I asked trying to ease the tension 

"uh, yellow"



then came the awkward silence again, after 10 minutes our food arrived 

"so tell me about yourself," I asked 

"oh, where do I start"

After she started to talk, it became easier to talk to her. We ate and joked and laughed, it was fun. At the end of our meal, some soft music began the play and I asked her if she wanted to dance. Then there we were swaying back and forth and I got lost in her grey eyes. After dancing until we were tired, we ate dessert. 

" I really enjoyed tonight, I didn't know you were such a great dancer," she said as we walked back to the car. 

"there is a lot of things you don't know about me," I said smirking 

"I was wondering if you would like to go to the park to talk or chill" I began scratching the back of my neck and she chucked. It was like music to my ears 

"I'd love to " and with that, we were at the park walking my hand occasionally brushing hers until I got the courage to hold it. she was a little taken back by my actions but she didn't complain. Her hands were soft and smooth, also warm which made me never want to let go. Once we reached far enough into the park, she stopped and took her hand out of mine which got me worried, was it too hard or did I have a strong grip on her ????  but to my surprise, she just took off her shoes and held them in her hands. 

"CATCH ME " she screamed while running, it took me a while to figure out what she was doing . then I ran after her and catch her, we both went tumbling into the grass

"caught you," I said 

"I guess you did," she said 

I realized the position we were in, I laid on top of her . once again I was captured in the depths of her grey eyes, they were so beautiful. and as I was about to lean down to capture those beautiful, cherry lips. The rain began to fall and ruined the perfect, perfect moment. She pushed me off and started to dance in the rain. I just sat up and started to laugh. 

LONG CHAPTER  people hope you like it 







ARRANGE MARRIAGE (Completed ) Knight #1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora