She always wins, Jimin thinks as he drops pathetically to his knees.


Jimin watches carefully as Ava strides away from him. She seems confident and took steps full of pride. She knew she had won again, I mean, who wouldn't have believed they had won when Jimin had put on such a pitiful act. But it was just that, an act. Nothing more nothing less. 

And as soon as the girl's black heels disappeared out of sight, Jimin relaxes. He straightens his cowardly posture and stands upright, a sly smile accompanying his features. 

"Ahh, Ava," Jimin states mockingly. 

"You should have believed me when I said I could resist you."

And with that, the blonde walks off, tucking away a small white piece of paper into his pocket.


Jungkook wraps his arms around himself as panic swarms his body, your previous words repeating in his head like a broken record. If I lose the next trial, you will be put back in death row.

Jungkook could accept death, he could accept the torture and pain that would come with his death. He was living in hell before this; There's only so much you can do to a broken glass. But Jungkook couldn't die just yet. Not when he knew that a killer was still out there and when he knew that justice was yet to be served. Jungkook can accept his death, but he needed closure. Needed to know who killed his parents and why. Not because he particularly loved those cold-hearted monsters, but because he was curious. Curious as to why they killed them, how they did it, why he hadn't seen or heard it happen.

 And curious as to why they hadn't killed him as well. 


Like a mad woman, you frantically flip through the files and documents. Your mind is fuzzy, unorganised. It felt like you were back in high school, preparing for final exams. Yes, you were THAT stressed. Your face is pale, a shade that looks too sickly to be healthy. You hadn't eaten since the trial, which was in the morning. It is 9 pm right now. Your hair is a mess and you look like you are going through a mid-life crisis, except you are in your twenties. To put it simply, you are NOT okay. 

Taehyung stares at you worriedly, his pink lips pulled into a pout as he sees you overwork yourself.  

"Y/N, get some rest-"

"I'm fine Tae, I just have to do more research and- and I," you don't even finish your sentence before you bang your head onto your desk. "Jungkook's gonna die," you mumble out, voice muffled. 

"Mmm," Taehyung says, having not fully heard what you said. 

"NO! DISAGREE WITH ME!" you shout, eyes wide as you look up. 

The red-head yelps at your sudden action, "Jesus Christ, y-you scared the babies out of me!"

Rich laughter is heard from the doorway and both of you turn your head to see who it is. Jimin stands there, eyes crinkled as he strides in like a happy child. 

"Why are you happy, ass-face, can't you see I'm mourning?" 

Jimin scrunches his face in disgust. "Ew, why the hell do you look like you ate bird shit for the last three weeks."

"You- I- Ugh I don't even have the energy to come up with a comeback."

"You call it energy, I call it skills."

"Shut up, Jimin, can't you see she's going through a lot," Taehyung states while glaring at the blonde. 

Jimin glances at you before a look of genuine concern replaces his playful smirk. "Hey, what's wrong?"

You look at the boy with an exasperated expression.  "I-I lost the trial Jimin, if Ava wins another one then- then- ugh, you know what will happen." 

Jimin inspects your sad expression before coming closer, "don't be a loser, have hope." He whispers.

"I'm a hopeless loser," you cry out. Jimin laughs, "are you sure about that?"

You nod before repeatedly banging your head on your desk. 

"Are you SURE about that," Jimin asks again, this time while sliding a piece of paper towards you. 

"What's this?" you ask confusedly. 

Jimin smirks, "open it and see."

You curiously open the paper and read its content. Your eyes go wide and your jaw drops. "Jimin- how-how did you get this?"

Jimin checks out his nails in a sassy manner, "I have my ways."

"This- this could help me-no- this could guarantee I win the next trial."

"Mhm. Not all heroes wear capes," Jimin states in a cocky manner. You laugh at this, subtly rolling your eyes at the boy's narcissistic words. 

"What is it?" Taehyung asks curiously. 

You smile broadly before showing the paper to Taehyung.

"Trial Plan," the red-head reads out loud.  

Argument for the next trial: Jungkook hated his parents.


 . They tortured him and hurt him brutally

.They forced him to take over the business

.They did not leave him with the money for when they died but instead signed it for a credit card that was for the company.


 This gave him the motive to murder them. 


Taehyung goes wide-eyed after reading the notes. "oh my god, is- is that Ava's notes for the next trial." 

You nod your head excitedly. 

"Jimin- how did you get that!"

Jimin smirks, "I told you, I have my ways."

You smile gratefully at Jimin. "Jimin, I owe you big time, you honestly saved me-"

"Isn't this like cheating?" Taehyung's soft voice suddenly interrupts you. 

"What?" you ask, confused. 

"That," Taehyung says while gesturing towards the paper. "I-it's like cheating because you technically stole her notes somehow and-and it's not fair on her. Even if she is your opponent, that's a bit unfair don't you think?"

You pause for a bit, processing the boy's words. "...nahhh, that doesn't matter, she cheated before, it's my turn to do so. Plus, having this means I can win the next trial which means I can save Jungkook's ass."

"Yeah, but don't you think there's a better way to do tha-"

"Nonsense, this is perfect."


C: Who are they trying to fool?

A/N: I'm back! Kinda? I have writers block. This chapter is literally me writing with writers block. I know that this isn't good but hopefully the next ones won't be as bad. I love you guys, thank you for reading!!! ❤️❤️

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