Her Energy

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 The turtles started collecting their weapons and preparing for their next trip to Shredder's lair, not for a fight, but for information. They agreed to wait until nightfall so they could safely travel without the gaze of humans on their tails. But they were still antsy to get out and put their minds at ease from all the questions they had buzzing in their brains.

While you all were waiting, your mind keeps drifting off to Mikey's words. You aren't crushing on my brother are you?

You lay on the couch, your brain hurting. No. That's just...wrong, isn't it? To have a crush on a fictional character, a turtle no less, who you just met in person not too long ago, and you know everything about him. And yet...you couldn't stop thinking about him. His eyes, his voice, his brilliant mind, you just felt drawn to him. Admittedly, you liked him as a fictional character, but your heart has gone nuts once you stepped into his world.

"(Y/N)?" A voice jolts you out of your thoughts and makes you sit up with a start. Lo and behold, the very turtle that has been consuming your thoughts. "I...know this situation is still all a little strange, and I'm sorry to leave again so soon. But I guess I just want to say...thanks for being so understanding this whole time." Donnie smiled at you, and you felt your cheeks turn a bit hot. If only your thoughts could shut up for a second...

"Yeah, it's definitely weird, but whatever I can do to help you guys out, I'm open to it all." You chuckle. "Which includes going up to the surface with you guys and not leaving me behind like last time!"

Donnie chuckles too and raises an eyebrow. "You aren't going stir crazy already are you?" He grins, revealing his gap. Why was it so adorable? He then narrows his eyes with a small look of concern. "Your face is all red. You aren't getting sick or anything, are you?"

Before you could say anything he presses a hand to your cheek. It's cool and slightly scaly to the touch, a mix between human skin and reptile scales, and you try to contain your blush even more. "No, I'm fine. Maybe it's just warm in here." It was the worst excuse ever, now that you realize you're in the sewers, but too late now. He takes his hand off and stands up.

"Alright, if you say so." He hears shuffling from his brothers' rooms, hearing their movements change. "It's just about nighttime, so we'll be back in a few hours." He starts to move as his brothers come out to the main room, but then crouches down to your level close to your ear. "And hey, if you get bored, the books in my room are all yours. I'm sure they'll keep you entertained." Donnie smiled, before running out with his brothers.

You touch your cheek where his touch still lingers. Very warm. Determined not to let his brothers see you, you head off to his room to read some of the books he mentioned, as the turtles steps get quieter and quieter as they head to the surface.

Outside of Stockman's lab, the turtles blink, going into ninja mode as their eyes turn to white. They had their weapons, but were determined to fight as little as possible, but were still prepared if something went wrong. They infiltrated the lab, sneaking through an air vent and keeping sound to an absolute minimum.

As the four brothers crawled through the lab, they heard voices up ahead. Leo, at the front of the line, raised a hand, signaling to his brothers to gather by the next vent down to listen closely.

"...amazzzing right? It could open zzzo many possibilitieszz!"

The buzzing mutant man's voice drifted easily through the vents, along with the growling voice of Tiger Claw.

"You had better not disappoint Shredder, Stockman. With this much power, messing one thing up will certainly lead to the end of your position here." A small shriek from the fly, and then footsteps led out of the room. But as those footsteps left, two more walked in.

To love and to let go // Donatello x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now