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"Alright, I'm heading out! Remember, call if you need anything, I'll just be a few hours." You hear your mom call you from downstairs and you jump down to the bottom floor of your house, waving a goodbye to your mom, reusable shopping bags in one hand and car keys in the other. The door closes, and you lock it behind her, before walking over to the living room and jumping onto the couch. You grab the remote and start up the TV.

Sighing, you remember a power outage that happened last night, and you have to reboot the system. Fumbling with the remote and waiting for what seems like forever, the TV boots up, and it automatically snaps to Nickelodeon, the last channel you watched.

10:54. Five more minutes until a new episode of your favorite show, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, starts. You haven't gone on any social media all day, in fear of spoilers. Now, as the show before it ended, you got extremely comfortable, excited to see what history will be uncovered. The familiar theme song starts, and you smile as the four turtles come on the screen.

You watched as the turtles sneak into Stockman Fly's lab, sabotaging his experiments. Your sharp fangirl's eye catches Donnie, your favorite turtle, snatching a piece of Kraang tech from his desk. As the episode continues, you've made at least 6 predictions of what's to come, and you hold your breath as they stick a not-so-subtle product placement, a selfie stick, into the new portal Donnie activated.

You smile at the camera angle. It looks like Mikey's extending the rod right through your TV. But then, your smile fades as the TV flashes with a white light, before turning to complete black. You draw in a sharp breath in frustration, and you begin to stand up to fix it. Must have been a blown fuse, you think to yourself. You're about to attempt to fix it, but then it flashes on again, making you jump. But it's not white, it's pink, the color of the...portal? It must be back on.

The TV makes a creepy sound, and then, faster than you can blink, something silvery flashes out of the screen, clearly reaching halfway across the room. You run over, without thinking, before gently placing your hand through the portal. You gasp, shaking your head and silently scolding yourself for not thinking. You try to pull it back out, but your arm is suddenly wrenched forward. You squeeze your eyes shut, screaming, as you're tugged through a bright light, making your eyes hurt even though they're closed.

You then hit a solid floor, your head screaming and your entire body aching. Getting a horrible feeling someone was watching you, you trust your instincts. Not moving a muscle, you pretend to be unconscious, breathing lightly and keeping your entire body still.

"...Dudes?" You hear a voice, frighteningly familiar. You recognize it, but your mind doesn't want you to believe it. Was that...Michelangelo? "This was so not the will of the Selfie Stick..." The voice said again, undoubtedly the youngest of the cartoon turtles.

"Enough, Mikey." Another says, identified as Raph in a second. Thousands of questions are whirling through your brain, one after another, but you still didn't move. How were you in their universe? Were they real? Do they know who you are? Do they realize they're a cartoon in your world? "Don, is she dead, or what?" Raphael's voice continues, slightly different than the show's. It's a bit deeper, and slightly distorted, but very distinguishable.

You hear a scoff, then some shuffling. Frozen, you listen closely, hearing shuffling and then some footsteps. You put together a plan in your head. You tell yourself to wait thirty seconds, then cough, groan, open your eyes, and act terrified. The rest will happen naturally, you assume.

You feel a touch on your wrist, which was turned up towards the roof. Breathing a little heavier now, you're flipped over onto your back, while you're still counting in your head. You feel a hand press down on your stomach, gently, as you draw in a sharp breath. Now's the time.

You make a sputtering cough, groaning loudly as the hand quickly draws away. You sit up, your arms oddly weak, and rub your head. Opening your eyes slowly, you lay your sights on exactly what you expected: Four huge turtles. You try to act terrified, but all you can do is stare, eyes widened, breathing heavily. They look slightly cartoony, but also realistic, like in all of the realism art you see on Tumblr. Reminding yourself of the plan, you shuffle backwards on your hands and feet, not turning away. You crash into a wall, letting out a small squeak, not looking away.

The turtles are all staring at you too. You see everything in more detail than HD can provide: The stitching on their masks. The cracks and plates on each of their shells. Their weapons, finely crafted and glinting in the faint light. Slowly, the tallest, Donatello, steps forwards, crouching down and looking you in the eyes. His eyes are a deep red, which takes you back for a second, because in the show they alternate from red to brown frequently, which always confused you.

Without breaking eye contact, he speaks in a soft, gentle tone. "Miss...?" He says, a faint Brooklyn accent coming from the low voice. "Are you all right?"

You want to speak, but you can't. You simply nod, relaxing your muscles as you hear his voice. It's very comforting, hearing him say things you don't hear on TV.

"Do you know who you are?" He asks. You take a deep breath, and then nod again. Donnie bites his lip. "Can you tell me your name?"

I draw in breath. "(Y/N)...." You reply, soft and awestruck. The other three are still gaping at you, sometimes glancing at the portal, which is still activated with a gentle hum. You look at it for a second, realizing that's your way home.

You regain your senses. You leap up, startling them. "I'm sorry!" You yelp, dashing over to the portal and reaching for it. As soon as your fingers touch it, though, you're delivered a sharp electric shock. You recoil, and then the portal, before your eyes, shrinks to nothing more than a triangular piece of metal with four purple hexagons on it. It fizzes and crackles, letting out a small puff of smoke, making you jump. You turn towards the turtles, who haven't moved.

"Girl," Raph says, inching towards you. "You have a lot of explaining to do."

To love and to let go // Donatello x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now