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You draw in a deep breath, looking at each of the four brothers individually. They've sat you down at a table in the kitchen, you on one side and the four on another. They are staring straight at you, but each with a different expression. Leo looks at you with caution, Mikey with excitement, Donnie with curiosity, and Raph with distrust. You run over another plan in your head, trying to figure out how you could tell them that you're from a world where they, the creatures sitting directly in front of you, are fictional characters in a TV show.

Pressing your lips together, you sigh. "Alright, here's my explanation." You say, tapping your two index fingers against each other.

"I don't know exactly how, but somehow I've traveled through dimensions. I came from mine to yours, but...you four exist in my world. Except you aren't...physically there. You..." You cleared your throat awkwardly. "You guys are in a TV show. My favorite, actually." You see their eyes grow wide, and a small smile creep across Mikey's face.

"Wait, so...we're famous in your world?!" The shortest brother says, bouncing in his seat. Raph gives him a small poke on his forehead, shaking his head.

You chuckle. "Yeah, actually. Your lives are essentially an entire TV show, from the time you first came out of the sewers to when Donnie slowly lost his intelligence." You see them gape in awe, Donnie blushing slightly.

"Wait, that was...an episode in your show?! You saw all of that?!" His brothers laugh at him, as his blush deepens. "Yeah, and anyone watching saw the whole thing." You giggle. "Sorry. That's one of my favorites."

"But wait.." Leo says. "That only happened a week ago. How is it broadcasted in your world so fast?"

You shrug. "I have no idea how it works. But...and this is kinda weird...I know almost everything about you guys. I know that seems really creepy, but I'm as dedicated of a fan of this show as Leo is to Space Heroes." You look away, and Leo audibly gasps.

"Holy crap..." Donnie mumbles, something you've never heard him say on TV. "This goes against every theory I've ever had on alternate dimensions! They aren't supposed to overlap like this, but it's been going on since...wait, do you remember what day it is in your world?"

You wrack my brain, trying to remember. "I don't remember the exact date, but I remember it being late August, 2015."

Leo glances over at one of the calendars hanging from the kitchen walls. "That's weird. It's May, 2014, here."

Donnie pipes up. "Must be that time passes quicker in your dimension than in ours. Or...maybe our whole existence is just contained inside your TV show, and time passes here based on the time of the show's air dates."

"Again, I have no idea." You place one arm on the table, resting your chin on it. "I don't know how it works at all. All I know is what happened in the show."

The tallest brother again speaks. "But, the portal closed when you tried to return. Maybe it was some sort of paradox, or something. It's apparent though that you're the only resource to you getting home, (y/n)." Donnie scratches his forehead idly, in deep thought. "Would you be alright with staying here until we find a way to send you home?"

Leo suddenly jumped up. "Wait, hold on Donnie. You can't just ask that without clarifying it without Master Splinter, or the rest of us. We don't know if her being here has some sort of a negative effect on our universe."

"Which is why we need to use her to find a way to open up another portal!" Donnie held up a finger, but then looked at you, embarrassed. "Wait, sorry if that came across as kind of weird. I don't know what I'll need to do to reactivate it, or anything, but I'll definitely need you one way or another." You nod. "It's fine, I get it. I'll do anything you need to get me back home." You said, your mind imploding with every second they spoke.

"I'm fine with her staying here! She'll be another girl to play video games with!" Mikey jumped over the counter and wrapped his arms around you, grinning. You chuckled awkwardly and patted his arm, signaling him to let go. "I'd be honored to, Mikey. But it has to be alright with your brothers and your Sensei, first. Speaking of which, where is Splinter?"

Leo looked behind him quickly. "Master Splinter's out on a training mission with April. You probably know about her...given that you watch the show so much." He motioned to Donnie quickly, before giving a small wink. He didn't catch the genius's eye, making you giggle.

"Yep, I know all about that." You smile. "Once your Sensei returns, I'll talk to him. Or you guys can, since you have a lesser chance of being killed on the spot than I do."

"Actually..." Raph says, a small smirk playing on his lips. "I think now would be the perfect time to talk to him." You glance over his shoulder to see the tall rat striding in through the old subway fares, the redheaded teen by his side, one talking to the other. Without thinking, you quickly duck down behind the counter, squeaking softly. Leo whispers to you subtly: "Don't worry, we'll take care of it."

You hear the four brothers talk towards their father, greeting him and making small talk. They then talk reluctantly to Splinter, although you can't hear their exact words. It then goes dead silent, and you slowly peek your head out from under the table.

"U-Um, forgive me, Hamato-san" You say, hoping using authentic Japanese honorifics would convince him to trust you a little more. His face is stern, and he looks at his sons with hesitation. Donnie seems to have explained everything, and April is also looking at you, curious, but with one hand on her weapon, a black metal fan, attached to her belt.

He stroked his beard, closing his eyes for a minute. "Alright. You may stay." The four cheered, giving each other a high three before he turned to them. "Boys, she is your responsibility. Donnie, do not kill her." Three turtles laughed while Donnie looked at you jokingly, pointing his finger and using it like a finger gun. You smiled, as it shook away how Splinter was talking about you like a cat they found on the street. "She will need someplace to stay, though. We do not have any spare rooms, and I do not think a guest would like to sleep on the couch for...as long as she will be staying."

Mikey raised his hand like a kid in school. "Ooh! She can stay in my room! We can have a slumber party, but every night!" The idea sparked your interest for a second, but then you remembered how disgusting his room was in the show. Not wanting to hurt his feelings, you pondered for a second how you would break it to him, but then luckily Donnie piped in. "She'll only sleep in there if she wants to be contaminated and/or scarred for life." He turned to you, chuckling. "(Y/n), if you wanted, you could stay in my room. I'm hardly in there anyway; I'm normally in my lab." You nodded, a grin on your face.

"That seems like it would work." Splinter and the others gave you a thumbs up, a small smile on each of their faces. Except for Raph, who had his arms crossed, turned away. He shrugged, sighing. "Fine. As long as she doesn't go in my room and doesn't get in our way of beating up anyone we need to."

You sighed gently. "I won't Raph, promise." You gave him a grin, but he turned away, stomping off to his room. The other three looked at you. "This happens a lot." Leo said. "Don't take it personally; he'll get warmed up to you eventually." You gave him a thumbs up, and Splinter walked off towards the dojo, probably to meditate. The others dispersed, Mikey towards the TV and Leo towards the old pinball game. Donnie walked towards the hall that led to each room, looking back at you and motioning for you to follow.

"Come on," He said. "I'll show you to my, er, your room." 

To love and to let go // Donatello x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now