
"What's your name?"

"Zayn. Zayn Malik."

The blonde smiled at him, showing his crooked teeth.

"Niall. Niall Horan."


"Niall!" Zayn yelled, jumping into the Irish leprechauns arms, hugging him tightly.

"How was it?"

"Fucking sucked. We literally did nothing there."

"Glad to have you back, Ni."

"Glad to be back too, Zee."


"I fucking hate him.."

"What did he do wrong anyway?"

"Called me a fucking retarded nerd.. bumped into me without apologizing... Calling me four eyes... What else?"

"He sounds like a proper dick if you asked me."

"He definitely is.."


"You have to talk to him eventually, Ed. Harry misses you. You're his brother. I know it's somewhat hard to believe that you have a twin, but it's true. Your father kept him away from you, and forbid him from seeing you, telling Harry that you were sick. He told me that everyday that you weren't beside him, he felt like he didn't know himself anymore. Baby, he's lost without you. And I know you can feel it too. Have you ever felt like something was missing in your life?" Zayn just wanted them to get along and start over, seeing that both of them acted strange after meeting eachother for the first time. Harry was in tears, and Edward; he just didn't know what to say or do, due to the amount of shock he was feeling.

Edward couldn't reply, gaze locked down towards the ground, and fingers fiddling with the hem of his shirt. Zayn was right, he did feel like half of him was missing. The curly headed boy saw the happiness in his brother's eyes when he saw Edward. Though it vanished when he didn't hug Harry back. What was he supposed to do, tell him that he misses him too? Because all of his life, he couldn't remember a single thing that reminded him of this brother he has. There was a reasonable explanation to why he couldn't recall his existence.

"I don't.. I don't know, Zee. I don't know.." Edward hoped that his reply didn't upset Zayn, he wouldn't have known what to do with himself if he was. The brunette anxiously bit his lip, as he and Zayn stopped at his locker. Upon arriving there, they didn't expect to hear voices coming from a short distance away.

"Where were you?" Zayn recognized that voice, even if it would come from a mile away.


"I just.. I was sick, is all." Someone rasped, sniffling afterwards. Edward knows who this was. He sounded like he hadn't gotten any sleep all night, and for some reason, that made Edward worry. The brunette had no clue to why he felt that way, but he surely didn't know how to stop his concerned demeanor.

"Love I can tell, you're lying." Zayn was suprised to say the least. He's never heard Louis like this. His mate has always been loud, rude, sarcastic, and sassy, and he was never classified as sweet,gentle, or a 'softie' as people might say. Louis seemed all too gentle with Harry, and Zayn sensed that he was infatuated with Harry. Or has feelings for his other best friend.

The couple didn't mean to eavesdrop, but the two's conversation was worrying both the boys. It was almost as if it was similar to how they were back then. But that's what they knew. Louis and Harry's relationship was completely different than theirs.

"I'm fine, Lou.." they heard Harry say, with this urgency, like he was trying to hide his obvious lie. He wasn't okay.

"Babe, please. What's wrong?"

"Zayn, we shouldn't be listening to them right now.."

"Let's go then, babe." Zayn pulled Edward with him, approaching the exit of the building..


Hey lovelies! How are you all doing? Even if I'm literally talking to myself at this moment. Anyway, I have a new book. It's called 'Rhythm Of My Heart'. It's a Larry book though. If you're interested, feel free to check it out, and tell me what you think about it so far. I didn't really put much thought into its prologue though. Hope no one minds the crappy writing as usual. Sorry for this pointless, long ramble. I'll end it here then. 💚

All the love,

To Be Continued ...

Word Count: 1.33k


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