Just Some Ideas I Had

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These are just some headcannons and story ideas I had. I may eventually write some of these, but feel free to use any for yourself. Just please message me if you do so I can read them!😁

- Magnus and Alex traveling somewhere and enjoying food and maybe fighting a wolf or two.

- Magnus being completely clueless about anime and Alex gleefully binge watching it with him and convincing him to cosplay.

- Alex and Magnus going skydiving to the death together and Magnus being super nervous.

- Mallory and Halfborn signing up Magnus and Alex for Valhalla's got talent and putting them under dancing with a partner. Also they wouldn't be dating yet.

- TJ's bayonet going out with Jack.

- TJ finding out his bayonet can talk.

-  Hearth and Blitz baking together. Blitz is completely clueless about baking and Hearth has to show him everything. (Hearth would also totally be cleaning batter off Blitz with his scarf because that would just be too cute!)

- Sam and Amir's wedding. It would be in Valhalla and Amir would be freaking out because all the gods are attending.

- Alex singing anxious kids to sleep at the Chase Space while Magnus reads the other kids books.

- Halfborn getting a PHD in therapy because he was bored and Alex convincing him to help kids at the Chase Space by threatening to decapitate him.

- TJ hosting a giant video game tournament in Valhalla, but with a twist - after the game is done you have to reenact it in Valhalla.

- After completing a quest, Alex gets to see their grandpa in Hel and Magnus gets to see his mom. Also Magnus's mom meets Alex.

Sorry if any of the grammar/punctuation is off, feel free to correct me.

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