"I can't believe it's you!", she squeeled,"you're famous for your cafe and how good the coffee is!"

You laughed,"I guess you read the Universe Time magazines. The pleasure is all mine. Now, where should I start?"

Sparkles formed in their eyes at you, their white knight, before returning to work with you.


The line of people slimmed down to two customer's. They gave their secound to last customer her coffee before the girl, with the black hair, came up to you bowing in thanks.

"How can we ever repay you for helping us?", she asked.

You smiled,"how about three double shot mocha's?"

She saluted you,"yes ma'am!"

Shrugging on your cloak you heard the other employee greet her last customer.

"I would like a double shot espresso please", said the man's voice.

Your heart stopped as you glanced over to see Shawn standing at the counter.

"Here you go!", they both said in unison handing you and Shawn your orders.

It took both of you a moment to realize that they were holding your cups as you made eye contact. Taking your cup you followed Shawn to a near by table.

"What are you doing here?!", you both asked in sync sitting down.

He cleared his throat,"I'm sorry, you go first."

"No, no. You go ahead."

"I insist though. As a gentleman."

"Ok", you smiled,"I'm here to pick up some supplies for my friends ship before we leave."

He smiled,"it must be fun to be out and about from planet Earth. At least it was for me on my first mission."

"What about you? What are you doing here?"

"Oh, right! I'm on a mission. Well, actaully, all the Jedi's are on the same mission I'm on. It's classified. You know how it is."

You giggled,"right. Like the time you showed up looking like you've been sun tanning for a year when it was only a day. I think Terin and I figured out that classified mission."

"You got me!", he laughed,"I went to the sun to take some readings. The damn shield went down for only a millisecond! The worst part about it  is the skin peeling after a few days."

You both laughed taking a drink from your cups.

"Who is this?",suddenly spoke Maul's voice next to you.

Coffee spewed from your mouth when you looked up to see both General and Maul standing next to your table with ship parts hanging over their sholders. Shawn looked at Maul suspiciously making your nerves scream.

"It's nice to see you again Shawn!",spoke General giving him a pat on the back.

Whew! Thank you General.

He smiled turning to General,"it's good to see you too! So you decided to take the trip here with Angel?"

"Yes sir! We thought it would be nice to get out and see the universe."

"Well, I hope you like it, there's a lot to see out there! If you ever need help with your ship just let me know, I'll take a look at it for you."

General laughed,"I think we got it. Thank you for the offer. Angel, we need to get going soon."

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