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Everyone came up behind Bodil, most of them gasping, some of them screaming, one of them nearly fainting.

Quentin just stood there, not fazed at all. "None of you have ever seen blood before? Nobody freaked out this much when Tiffany died." He said smuggly, earning an angry growl from Jerome.

"How are you so calm about everything?!" Jerome shouted in his face, but Quentin just put a hand up, puzzling Jerome.

"Watch yourself, Bacca. I'd hate it if someone were to get slapped." He snapped, which set Jerome off again, but he just backed away and mumbled curse words under his breath.

Then, out of the blue, another Body Discovery Anouncement was heard.

'Ding ding ding! A body has been discovered! There will be a short period of investigation, then we will hold a household trial!" Notch's voice boomed.

Ty shook his head in disgrace and walked up to Ian, wiping some of his blood up with two fingers. "Fresh blood. He was most likely killed within the past two hours." He said, making Bash flinch.

"But what could've been used to burn him?" Stampy asked, examining the ash on the wall.

Bodil began examining the room as well, checking everywhere. Nothing useful in the closet - just clothing. Nothing in the drawers - just socks, sunglasses, and cologne.

Everyone else had gone to examine the hallway, Ian's body, or to search for something that could've burned him.

Bodil only knew of one more place to look in the room. He got on his knees and ducked his head down, looking under the bed. He spotted something. Something...silver. A tank..?

Hesitantly, Bodil grabbed it. It was cold, very cold, but definately full of some liquid. "Hey guys..?" Bodil asked, confused, turning the cylinder at all angles to get a good look at it.

Seto asked to see it, and Bodil handed it over. "There seems to be a type of liquid in here.." Seto said, until he found a small clip. He pulled it hesitantly, and the entire top popped off.

Gas fumes filled the air, making everyone wrinkle their noses in disgust. "Is that oil?" Stampy asked, covering his nose with his paw. "Well it would make sense if it was oil, right? It sure smells like it, plus, oil is highly flammable." Dan said, covering his nose as well.

"So it's some sort of fuel, because it's in a fuel tank." Danny said, "May I?" He asked Seto, putting his hand out. Seto placed the tank in his hand. Danny lifted it above his head, looking at the bottom.

"Ah, here we go. Serial number: 39401284. Jetpack Fuel." He said.

Everyone gasped. "Jetpack fuel?!" They all said in confusion. "But who here wears a jetpa-" Ty began, before he cut himself off, his eyes going wide.

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