Death By Romance Part 1

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 a.j. Lombardi Copyright © 2019 All rights reserved

My name is Bob and I always lived an ordinary life.  I married  my high school sweetheart, have two children, a great job and good friends. "Life has a way of changing very quickly when you least expect it".   A wrong decision, a flirtatious smile or maybe a split second wrong choice can alter your life forever as it did mine!   The story you are about to read will have an ending you will least expect.  "It did for me and unfortunately I cannot go back and change things...

A few years back around the time when I first started playing golf I was invited to play in a charity tournament. The golf tournament was going to be held at a very prestigious private country club and also include cocktails and dinner. Being new to the game of golf I sort of felt a little intimidated in that I would more than likely be teamed up with members who played golf on a regular basis. "I guess that having only played a few times, I would look like a fool playing with seasoned golfers. Besides, I did not want to make my host look bad. The day before the tournament I went to the local driving range and hit about five hundred golf balls. "Unfortunately it did me no good except to reinforce my fears that I would definitely look like a fool when I went to tee up at the charity tournament! The best I could hope for would be rain. Later that week I received a phone call from my host informing me of the time and location where I should meet him. Before you know it, Saturday rolled around and I loaded my golf bag and headed off to the charity event. On my drive to the country club I could hear the stern warning voice of my cousin Jim informing me that the golf course I would be playing at was considered to be one of the best in the state. He also reminded me to make sure I wore a collard shirt and that I should hit the ball straight and not make a fool out of myself. These words only made me feel worse in that topping the ball was the only thing I knew how to do perfectly!

What made matters worse was my recall of the over jubilant weatherman repeating over and over again "Great news folks! today is going to be a perfect day for the golf course or beach"! When I arrived at the main entrance of the grand golf course that ran along the oceans edge I was amazed to see so many luxury cars in the lot. Even though my vehicle was fairly new, it was the only one that was probable being paid for by the month. Pulling up to a parking space I was immediately greeted by two over zealous workers from the club who pulled up beside me in a golf car. They retrieved my golf bag from the trunk of my car and then ushered me into the club house to where my host was. It kind of made me feel important being treated with that kind of service of which I have never experienced at the forty dollar eighteen holes / free hot dog course I had previously played at. 

Looking back I wondered if the dollar tip I gave them was enough! The golf course was spectacular and the club house reminded me of something out of an old nineteen twenty movie when grandeur was taken very seriously. Beautiful chandeliers, deep rich carpets and hand carved moldings were in integral part of this beautiful clubhouse. For a moment, I thought I would rather just spend the day relaxing in one of the overstuffed chairs that faced the ninth hole including an ocean view. The main area of the clubhouse also had a beautiful bar laced with granite and mahogany finish. The bartenders and stewards were dressed just as waiters and waitresses did back in the nineteen twenties. For a moment I felt intoxicated to think how great it must be to be a part of this country club and crowd. Looking over at the crowd of upscale members and their wife's drinking, laughing and getting along like life long friends I felt like an outsider. For a few times I tried blending in with the crowd, but deep down I just did not feel like I fit it with this crowd and knew in my heart that I did not belong here. Strangely enough, I somehow had the feeling that the crowd also knew that I was an outsider.

After about an hour or so it was announced that it was time to tee up. My worst fears came true when the team I was on was called to the first tee to start the tournament. One of my team mates who was an elderly aunt of my host who got up to tee first. With overriding confidence she drove a ball about two hundred yards straight as an arrow. Upon seeing the great ball she just played, the gleeful crowd gave a roaring cheer. I was then forced by my host to tee next. The crowd became silent and then let out low tone ooh's as I topped the ball that went about sixty yards to the left. The rest of the day went pretty much the same. The worst part was that for the rest of the day I had to endure being called "Pee Wee Herman" by the elderly aunt of my host. She also had a very irritating way of speaking out of the side of her wrinkled face when she mocked me every time I teed up!

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