"i honestly don't know what to make of this. like, is he upset about the fab,
or even still about you coming in the first place? he can't still hate you,
if anything, i thought the opposite..."

jeno quickly closed his mouth, but renjun knew what he had left unsaid.
unsure of how to respond, he decided to act as if he hadn't quite understood.

"yeah, i mean, i thought we were becoming friends.
that's all i want, to be friends with you guys, hahaha..."

he laughed awkwardly, his cheeks turning rosy as he scratched the back of his neck.

jeno, blushed too, not because he got the ulterior message behind renjun's words (jeno wasn't the smartest cookie in the jar), but because he was imagining being more than friends with renjun.

he looked at the boy beside him, in whose large dark eyes he could see reflections of the constellations above them, whose smile was as wondrous and alluring as the call of the ocean beside them, and whose skin, he knew, was softer than the blanket beneath them.

renjun tilted his head, looking at jeno questioningly as the other boy leaned closer. the older boy's starry eyes widened and his heartbeat accelerated, until the sound was almost palpable.

all jeno could see was renjun.
all he could feel was renjun.
all he wanted was renjun.

that is until, jaemin plonked himself down on the blanket beside them, accompanied by a stranger with their arm around his shoulder.

(flashback woooo)

jaemin marched up to the snack stall,
glaring now that the others couldn't see his expression.
to put it politely, he was pissed.

he would be lying if he said that he hadn't expected jeno and renjun to ask him what was wrong, to try to make him feel better. he knew that he had brought this on himself, that sulking only ends up hurting the perpetrator, but he couldn't help feeling that he had a right to be affronted.

they obviously don't care about me at all.
i bet they wish i wasn't here, ruining their stupid date night.

reaching the counter he ordered without looking up.

"give me some stupid popcorn or something before my heart fully breaks, food is my only friend"

he heard a low chuckle and then a drawling voice spoke.

"i'm sorry, but i can't serve snacks to a snack, that would be condoning cannabalism."

jaemin looked up at that.
standing before him, arms folded and smirking, was the hottest boy he had ever seen.

now, jaemin considered both jeno and renjun to be hot, super hot even, but this guy was in another league.
he was über hot.

his long, dark curtains of wavy hair framed eloquent eyes, accentuated by a mole on his lower left lash-line.
his lips were full and inviting, his broad shoulders filled out his tight black t-shirt, hell, even his hands were attractive (we won't go into details).

one of those same hands reached across the counter for jaemin to shake, which he did instinctively.
the boy smiled.

"i'm hyunjin."

dazed and confused - norenminWhere stories live. Discover now