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heightened emotions meant heightened appetites,
and jeno suddenly remembered that they had not eaten since breakfast,
and that renjun was probably starving.

"alright, who's hungry?"


"oh my god i haven't eaten since last night,
but i didn't want to say anything,

while jaemin began preparing a simple meal - as he was gifted with the most culinary skills,
jeno being only just capable of making some toast -
jeno scolded renjun for not eating.

"eating is important, it makes you grow up big and strong-"

"excuse me, are you implying that i'm not big or strong?"

jeno's eyes widened as renjun pouted, he was conflicted.
on one hand he wanted to cuddle renjun and tell him that he was perfect,
but he also felt an impish desire to tease him.
in the end, he chose the latter.

"i mean...not really, not compared to me,
i could easily squash you, just like that"

he flexed his muscles proudly, not noticing the competitive gleam in renjun's eyes

"i'd like to see you try."

jeno looked up at that.

on an impulse he threw himself at renjun,
the two ending up in a tangled pile of limbs and laughter.

jeno gulped.
this was the closest he had been to the older boy,
who up close was...

he felt a need to clarify his opinion,
not wanting renjun to be upset.


i think you're perfect - just the way you are"

now it was renjun's turn to gulp.
they stared at each other,
taking in the other's perfect imperfections,
and appreciating them for adding to the other's beauty.

jeno didn't know what made him do it.
maybe it was the way renjun's eyes shone,
or the fanning of his breath across jeno's face.

but jeno leant in.
and, oh so gently,
placed a kiss on renjun's nose.

it was feather-light, and only lasted a second.
but the light in renjun's eyes shone yet brighter,
and jeno's heart sighed in relief.
he hadn't been rejected, or questioned.
this wasn't wrong.

renjun gave jeno a small smile,
that jeno knew he would treasure forever.
he opened his mouth to say something,
but jeno would never know what,
as at that very moment they were interrupted by jaemin shouting-



jeno's thoughts:

i was about to kiss him
like kiss him.
i was gonna, but we literally just met,
and i don't want him to think i'm insane.
i mean lbh he probably does now.
i can confirm that his nose is boopable.
idk what would have happened if jaemin hadn't interrupted,
not that i'm complaining,
i probably would have regretted anything i did.
i don't think he's ready.
i don't think i'm ready.
and what about jaemin?
god this is a sticky situation.
the pasta smells good though

renjun's thoughts:

one of my crushes KISSED MY NOSE.
is that normal?
is that how straight guys greet eachother?
it was so cute
he's so cute

maybe it's a cultural thing.

should i kiss jaemin's nose?

jaemin's thoughts:

where the fuck are they i made pasta
i slaved away to cook this and they don't even care.

should i tell them i saw jeno kiss renjun's nose?
i stuck my head into the living room to tell them the food's ready,
and i was confronted with THAT.
why do i feel both happy and jealous?
i guess you could say i'm dazed and confused.
anyway i shouldn't tell them.
that would be awkward for everyone.
ok let's shout and pretend i saw nothing.
let's keep this secret.

author's note

because i felt that there wasn't enough noren in this story yet.
ooo how will jaemin react
stay tuned...


dazed and confused - norenminDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora