Sleeping Chapter 11

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(After the video at Kian’s House)

“Wow it’s like 2 am” Kian puff outs and falls onto his bed

“Yeah I know.” I fall back next to him on his bed.

“So what do you want to do?” Kian turns to face me and I turn and face him on my side. I shrug and he lets out a small laugh.

“ How about a movie.” I think for second does that mean I’m sleeping over.

“Sure” I smile and he grabs his remote and starts a movie that I don’t know. We move around and we are facing the tv and I’m resting my head on hands that are propped up, same with Kian. Our bodies are touching slightly and Kian is laughing at the movie and I just stare at his facial expression as he reacts to the movie. The lights are off but the light from the tv is shining on his face. He runs his fingers through his hair and then fixes it after he’s done.  He looks over at me and does the crab face and I laugh at him, then gently push his shoulders and he focuses on the movie again. I try to watch but my eyes start to feel heavy and I leaned my head on Kian’s shoulder and drifted off to sleep.

~Kian’s POV~

She rested her head on my shoulder and I looked over at her she was sleeping. I flipped off the Tv and moved her to the head of my bed, so her head was rested on the pillow and I laid next to her. She rustled around a little then rested her head on my stomach and I fell a sleep.

~Hayes’s POV~

I open the door to see Matt sleeping I laugh and look for Emily. I around and no sign of Emily, I groan and go sit on her bed since Matt was on mine. I lay down and go onto Emily’s Instagram, wow she really is pretty. Then I go to the recommend and Madison Beer pops up I click on her and she is really hot.  I go through her pictures and find out she is 15, so I follow her on Twitter and Dm her asking her for her number. (dayum that was a lot of hers in one sentence). She replies quickly and gives to me and I text her.

To Madison- Hey its Hayes

From Madison- Heyyy

To Madison-  We should hang out some time J

From Madison- Yeah totally J

To Madison- Well, sorry but I gtg I have a busying day tomorrow

From Madison- Okie dokie bye ;)

Tomorrow I have to wake early and go to a meeting then I’m going to the beach with the boys and Emily. Maybe I can bring Madison but I don’t know I’ll ask the boys.

(((((((PLEASE READ___ Tasia Alexis is Emily that’s who I picture as Emily!!! Anyway vote and comment if you like the new Magcon (I don’t even anyone but Tasia haha peace))))))))

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