Chapter 12: His

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It was around 3:45 in the afternoon when we arrived to the hospital. I was still on the verge of tears. This could not be happening. Why was Tyler in here? Who did this to him? I had so many questions but in the current state of things, I wasn't thinking right.

My mom and I rushed in through the emergency side of the hospital. I ran to the front desk, panting, and asked the nurse there for a patient under the name of Tyler Joseph. She pointed to my right and said he was in room 12F. Before she said another word, I ran to the room. I hadn't noticed Tyler's mom was outside the room crying as I ran past. I wanted to see Tyler. I had so much grief on me at that moment, it was hard to not let tears out.

I push open the door. There was no adult inside the room but there was a hospital bed with someone in it. It was Tyler.

He lay still there with his eyes closed. His heart was still beating according to the screen next to his bed. He was still alive, thank God. But I did remember his mom telling me on the phone how Tyler was unable to wake up. So was he just in a coma? I teared up more. I grabbed his hand and it was cold. I mean, it was really cold, abnormally cold. His hands were usually warm and delicate so why were they cold now?

When someone dies, their body goes cold, obviously. But Tyler wasn't dead so why was his whole body cold?

I stood over him. I gently placed my hand on his cheek then I ran my hand through his hair. He was so important to me, why did he deserve to be sitting here in this bed?

Looking at him, I started to cry and sob. "Oh Ty, please don't leave me. I'm sorry I couldn't have been there to help you and at least been here sooner. I was stupid to have skipped school and not check up on you. Please forgive me. I love you too much and I don't want you dead. Please...forgive me. Stay alive..." My tears started falling on his face. I was an absolute mess. Here I was crying over my best friend and he was in a deep sleep.

Would he ever wake up?

Tyler's POV

I slowly moved my head. I was starting to wake up.

The last thing I remembered was everything going to black. But now I opened my eyes and saw light for the first time.

I was sitting in a weird looking bed. All around me were strange looking equipment-- medical equipment. I looked to my right and recognized a blue haired boy standing above me in tears.

It was Joshua.

I said his name weakly since I was still in some pain. He looked up so quickly at me. He said my name loudly and smiled so big. He was so glad that I was still alive. He started saying how sorry he was. I told him it was okay and that it wasn't his fault. He gave me a kiss on the cheek as an apology.

I felt my body light up. It was nice.

About three days later, I was let out of the hospital. Joshua came to pick me up and his mom drove us home together. He sat in the back of the car with me. He kept smiling at me, knowing I was still alive. He grabbed my hand which was laying on the car seat and held it all the way home. He squeezed it hard and I would squeeze it back.

As soon as we got home, his mom said that we could upstairs to Josh's room and he would help me catch up on work I missed from school these last couple of days.

Josh and I went upstairs and I entered his room. He walked in behind me and he locked the door behind him.

I asked Josh why he locked the door if we were just going to study for school and stuff. He smiled and said we would hold up on it for a second. He came and sat next to his bed where I was sitting as well.

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