Chapter 2: Cute

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So let us go back to the day I met Tyler. It was actually the third day of 3rd grade. August 21st, 2008.

Yes, I still remember the exact date.

I had moved to another school nearby and started a little late due to some registration errors but eventually I finally started third grade.

Let's begin by going back to that day, shall we?

August 21st, 2008

I sit in the velvet chair and patiently wait.

The lady in front of me was busy typing up something on her computer and would frequently look down at the piece of paper I had handed to her before I sat down.

She would often frown when the computer wouldn't load up my information or when it would take forever to load.

I sat there with my legs barely touching the floor. I was small and fragile but ready to begin school with an open mind. I was looking forward to making new friends in this school. I didn't really have friends at my school but maybe I'll make some at this one.

The lady gave a sigh of relief and looked at me. "Well, Mr. Dun, it seems like I finally fixed all of this fiasco for you. I had trouble trying to get you in the system for some reason. The internet kept failing which is odd because it never does that to me!" she said as she looked back at the computer. "But long story short, you're in the system. You can finally start school here!"

I smiled. "Thank you miss. I really look forward to starting school here and making new friends." I told her.

She smiled and said, "Oh it was nothing really. The kids here are very nice. I'm sure you won't have a problem with making friends."

I gave a sigh of relief. This lady seemed like she knew the school well and I trusted her with that. She then got a black pen and started writing something on the piece of paper and handed it to me. "This is where you'll be going to everyday. This is your teacher, Ms. Mack. She's a very nice lady who I'm sure will be very welcoming of you." she said.

I took the paper and got up from my seat. I thanked her once again and then walked out of her office and into the hallway.

The hallway was empty at the moment. I assumed most of the kids were already in class. As I made my way down to the room, I was kind of nervous and thinking about how I would be received as. I know the office lady said they'd be welcoming of me but based on past experiences, would they really?

I arrived to room 110, Ms. Mack's classroom. I was going to be having her as my teacher all year so I was also going to deal with all the kids in there too for a whole year. I slowly turned the doorknob and walked inside. It was a decent sized classroom and there were about 20 kids in there. I stood at the door and everyone stared at me. A lady, who I assumed was Ms. Mack, came up to greet me.

"Ah hello there!" she said in a kind voice. "May I see that paper you have there please?" I handed her the paper still not making a single noise. She read it and then faced the class. "Okay class, listen up!" she said loud for the class to hear. "This here is a new student who just started today! His name is Joshua and he will be our newest classmate!"

The class kind of just sat there until someone broke the silence by saying, "What's with his blue hair?" There was some laughter.

I felt embarrassed and shyly said, "Well I just really like the color blue and had my mom dye my hair that color." I didn't feel confident saying that. Ms. Mack then told the class, "Let's not start making fun of someone's hair color. I think it suits him nicely." She smiled down at me and it made me feel a little better. "Well Joshua, with you joining our class that makes twenty-one of us. That's twenty-one people you get to work with all year!" she told me. Part of me felt glad but the other part felt uneasy. Just the fact that already someone had poked fun at my hair made me feel kind of dumb. But I needed to remain strong.

"Why don't you find a seat somewhere? We're currently working on an art assignment. We're drawing things we like and then discussing it with our group partners. Go find a table and join in!" she said happily.

I smiled awkwardly and searched for an empty chair. All the tables across the room were taken. I was about to tell her that there was no more room left until I noticed a table in the back with a lot of open seats. There was only one person sitting there and I decided to sit with them.

I sat across from them and they looked up at me and smiled shyly. What caught me off guard were his brown eyes. I was drawn into them. I smiled back. "Hi." I said softly. "My name is Joshua. What's your name?" He looked at me and quietly said, "Tyler. My name is Tyler." He looked back down. "Well Tyler, do you want to be friends?" I said. He didn't look up but said, "Friends? I don't- I don't have any of those."

I looked at him with a sad expression. He had no friends? I instantly felt bad for him and I barely knew him.

"Do you know what it's like to have friends? Do you know how it feels to be liked?" Tyler said.

"I..I-" I kind of stopped myself. Only two minutes into sitting here and already am I feeling bad for someone I barely know. "I..I don't know that feeling either actually."

He stopped drawing to look up. "Wha- what really?" I got his attention now. "Well, yeah. I moved to this school in hopes of making new friends. You're the first person I met coming here and I want you to be my first friend." I said. Tyler slowly smiled. "Really? Me? Your first friend? But, you barely even know me..."

I chuckled. "I might not know you that well but I can tell when someone has a good heart and you seem to have one of the purest." I told him. He smiled really big.

Gosh, his smile was beautiful.

"Really, you mean it?" Tyler got so happy. "Oh Joshua I don't know what to say to you, I mean, I want you to be my first friend too." I looked at him and smiled. "I can promise you that as friends, I will always be there for you by your side. We may not have any other friends but we have each other now I guess. And that is pretty good I think."

Tyler couldn't stop smiling and I noticed his face turning red. "You're so nice Joshua."

"Josh." I said. "You can call me Josh."

"Okay, Josh." He said and laughed a little. Honestly, Tyler looked cute when he laughed.


Wait what? I called a boy "cute". Is that okay?

Oh well, I don't know really. I'm only 8 and I'm sure it doesn't matter.

We spent the rest of the time drawing and talking to each other. It wouldn't be long until I would find out more about Tyler's personal life and for him to know my personal life as well.

I can honestly say that I feel pretty good about this kid. I had faith in him.

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