Chapter 10: Reality

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"Oh Tyler, you're still going to be lonely going into the next school year. Look kid, you have no friends, you have no motivation, you have no will for inspiration and you're a loner. You're always alone. You resort to me in that time. Pathetic."

Tyler was fiddling with a pencil and scribbling on some paper as a voice in his head spoke. He always heard this voice every day. It was worse when he was alone. It would be just him and his thoughts. Of course, his thoughts were a dangerous thing to provoke.

The voice didn't necessarily have a name but Tyler called it blurryface. If blurryface could be a person, its personality would be an evil version of Tyler and its face would be...blurry. Unclear and vague. Evil.

Tyler didn't know this voice would haunt him for many years. He would have to suffer with it for so long.

Tyler's POV

I sat alone in class. It was the third day of school already and I hated it. I hated being lonely. I hated being here in general.

My class was given an assignment to draw something on paper, things we liked or associated ourselves with. I drew some music notes and aggressively scribbled on the side of the paper.

This represented blurryface, but no one had to know about him or what these scribbles meant.

I continued drawing until someone walked in the door. It was someone I've never seen before. It was a blue haired boy. He had mocha colored eyes and had the most shyest look on his face as he walked in. Our teacher Ms. Mack introduced him to the class. He said his name was Joshua. I liked that name. Too bad he'd never be my friend.

Joshua looked around the room for a seat to sit in. The only seats available were the chairs around the small table I was at. He came and sat down in front of me.

Joshua introduced himself and I said I was Tyler. He had the nicest voice and nicest smile. His eyes made me happy. Nothing really made me happy.

Joshua said I could call him Josh and that we'd be good friends for a long time. I was so happy someone actually wanted to be my friend. No one wanted to be my friend but Josh did.

He gave me a nickname of Ty. I liked it. I agreed to let him call me that.

I found out Josh lived near me and now he's walking me home. I felt appreciated for once. I was...happy.


Now Josh was staying home for the time-being as we waited for my parents to come home. We sat in the living room and talked a bit. I pulled out my homework assignment from earlier.

Josh asked me about the weird scribbles on my paper. He asked about...blurryface. I started to shake. I couldn't tell him. I was so afraid, he'd think I was crazy. I didn't wanna lose him. I could sense blurryface coming back. I was panicking. I got up and asked Josh if wanted a drink or something. He wanted a glass of water.

I'm in the kitchen getting Josh his glass of water.

"You naïve fool. Josh is just using you. Do you really think he's your friend already? Who becomes friends with someone in a day? You're still unwanted. He's lying to you. He's not as he seems. I don't want him near you. I won't ever leave you alone."

I yelled out in anger and dropped the glass pitcher. I fell to the ground and blacked out.

Eventually, I awoke to Josh holding me in his arms. I accidently called him Jish and he said he was Josh. Jish was a nice nickname, maybe I'd use it for him sometime.

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