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Nick brought out the wine tonight. He knew that today he is moving on to the next song she wrote after he fully performs the previous one on the piano from start to finish.

He must admit that she's a great piano teacher even though he has never met her. He can't imagine how good she is in person since she's amazing on paper.

Vincent has been wondering why he still have not rent out the home yet or flipped it since it is in perfect condition. All Nick told him was that he wants to hold onto it a little longer because he feels attached to this home. Plus, he doesn't want to get rid of the piano. Not yet.

He plays the entire song with ease, as if he's been doing this for a long time, when it has only been three weeks. Every other day, Nick makes a stop at this house to play and then goes back home or sleeps on the couch.

Tonight, he lays on the couch, too tired to head home. He brings the book to his chest and reads the lyrics to the next song he plans on learning. This one was more heart warming and possibly his favorite one so far. The others were good, but they were too sad. This one however, let him know that at one point she sound happiness.

Seconds later, his phone rings. He reaches to the coffee table and grabs it once he sees Vincent's picture on the screen. "Yo." He says in a weary tone from almost falling asleep.

"I stopped by your place but you weren't there. Anyways, I just got back from looking at this perfect location for Sophie. I think she'll like it and it already has all the equipments she will need. I wanted you to go see it with me before I let her see it, but you're probably at that home you refuse to rent."

Perfect location sounds like a great cost, and Nick remembers Sophie saying that she only had a certain amount in her bank account but not enough for a perfect location. "If you think it's perfect, you might as well present it to her without me seeing it. I'll see it at the grand opening." He looks at his watch. 11:30. "And it seems like you're going way out of her budget."

"She doesn't have to worry about that. I told her that I will get a great ass deal and that's exactly what I'll do." He reassures. Nick doesn't bother replying because he knows that's what he'll do. "I think you should search for the person who owned this home. Once you do, I think you'll be able to move on and flip that place."

"She didn't leave any trace behind."

"How do you know she's a woman?"

"Her neighbors. I asked around and they explained how she looked, but none of them really spoke to her."

"There's something in that home. It's right under your nose. You said she's a writer and writers are great with hidden messages. The clues are there." Nick knows that Vincent is right. He knows that it's right under his nose, but he just can't seem to put a finger on it yet.

"I'm thinking about hiring a private investigator."

"Do that. Aye, Sophie is calling me. I'm guessing that she seen my text. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright." Vincent hangs up. Nick chuckles because he knows that his friend is in love with his ex even though he's with another woman. Truth be told, if Sophie was to tell him that she's ready to take him back, Vincent would be at her front door within a heartbeat.

Nick lays his phone back down on the coffee table and raises the journal again to read her lyrics.

Gonna love but I can't fight
I had my childhood stolen from me one night
So I don't care about a bruise
You think that cause I got a smile on face
That I don't know pain
We'll look into my past but I ain't goin' back again
Never again

Nick analyzes her lyrics and starts humming to it. The phone call he just gotten off caused him to be fully awake. He quickly sits up on the couch and chugs the rest of the wine before making a phone call.

"Wassup? I haven't seen or heard from you in a while since your purchased the property." Kent, the COO of Parsons Bank, answers the phone.

"The house is the reason why I am calling you."

"You got a great deal. The seller was generous enough to accept it."

"Who was she? What's the name of the seller? I've ran into her parents, but I didn't go deep enough out of respect. I am hoping that you can tell me."

There's a few seconds of silence over the phone. Kent kind of expected this call, considering that she told him that she left things behind that will cause people to go searching. "You found the journal?"

Nick clears his throat. "Y...yeah. I did. She's an amazing song writer. I have to meet her. Her parents told me that she was on a journey. I just need to know where."

"No one knows where she is. All I know is that she left that behind for someone to feel the way she feels or felt. I will send you a picture of how she looks with her name. That's all I am able to do." Kent offers. Though he did promise her that he wouldn't tell anyone, he will tell Nick because he just have a great feeling about it.

"Thank you."

"Anytime. I'll send it right now." He hangs up. Nick stands up, anxious and trying to prepare himself for what he's about to see. He doesn't know what to expect. Though his neighbors gave him a description, it wasn't enough to try to picture how she looks.

In a matter of seconds, his phone chimes.
Nick takes a deep breath and opens his messages.

Alana Parson

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Alana Parson.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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