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LEADER: Amberstar - Ginger and white she-cat

DEPUTY: Blazeheart - Flame colored she with green eyes

MEDICINE CAT: Juniperbreeze - Grey tom with darker grey specks in his fur


Flurrypelt - White tom

Tumbletail - Grey tabby tom

Morningfall - tortiseshell she cat

Apprentice: Littlepaw

Mottlecloud - Black, brown and gold tom

Apprentice: Ferretpaw

Shadowtail - Black she-cat

Nightshard - Black tom

Antfoot - reddish brown tabby she 

Apprentice: Cliffpaw

Wolfthroat - Dark grey tabby tom with white paws

Snakestrike - dark brown tabby tom

Apprentice: Thornpaw

Leafstripe - gentle tortoiseshell she


Littlepaw - Fluffy white she cat

Cliffpaw - Dark grey tom

Ferretpaw - Tom with brown swirled pattern

Maplepaw - Ginger she cat

Thornpaw - Ginger tom

Dawnpaw - Tortoiseshell she cat


Blizzardwing - White she-cat with unusually blue eyes (Mate:Nightshard) (Kits: Thunderkit, Icekit, Fernkit)

Sorrelshine - Brown tabby she-cat with green eyes (Mate: Flurrypelt) (Kits: Specklekit, Fawnkit)


Nettlethorn - black tom


LEADER: Jaggedstar - brown tom

DEPUTY: Jackaltooth - black tom

Appentice: Graypaw

MEDICINE CAT: Cliffshine - gray-brown she


Garnetstorm - white she speckled with red

Apprentice: Goatpaw

Hawkstep - ginger tom

Dustfoot - black and gray patched tom

Apprentice: Scorchpaw

Lynxleap - mottled tan she 

Apprentice: Sorrelpaw

Juniperclaw - black tom with

Apprentice: Berrypaw

Skyheart - fluffy light gray tom

Patchnose - black and white patched tom

Apprentice: Boulderpaw

Sparrowheart - cream tabby she

Apprentice: Adderpaw

Tinyrose - brown tabby she

Rubyfrost - white she-cat speckled with red


Sorrelpaw - tortoiseshell she

Adderpaw - Cream tom

Boulderpaw - White tom speckled with brown

Graypaw - Brown tabby tom

Scorchpaw - Red tabby she cat

Berrypaw - ginger she cat


Rockshade - gray speckled black she (Mate: Jackaltooth)


Whitefeather - White tom


LEADER: Pantherstar - Jet black tom

DEPUTY: Mistclaw - white tom

Apprentice: Duskpaw

MEDICINE CAT: Runningsight - brown tabby tom with white spotting and one blue eye and one gold eye


Frogfoot - Brown spotted she

Apprentice: Sagepaw

Watercliff - Silver and black tabby she

Glaciertail - White tom with silver tail

Apprentice: Rushpaw

Freezepelt - light gray tom with streaks of silver

Clovertail - Tortoiseshell tom with

Orchidsong - Orange tabby she cat 

Whitepool -Silver and white she cat with

Apprentice: Smallpaw

Northwind - white tom with one blue eye and one golden eye

Winterbreeze - white she, Northwind's sister

Quailclaw - Black tom cat

Rainfleck - dappled gray she


Sagepaw - Gray she

Rushpaw - Black tom

Duskpaw - Black tom

Smallpaw - Gray tabby tom


Tamedream - Grey tabby she

Soo, yeah, that's kind of a lot to take in, but...

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