[Chapter 3] Leave Your Problems Behind

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-Heather's POV-

Joey and I were at a local cafe in god knows what city. He was at the counter, getting him and me a late-night coffee. I was sitting at a table by the window, looking at my phone. On my screen was a picture of Anthony and me on the morning of his first day on the job. A single tear fell from my eye as I remembered that day and how happy we were.

"Here," Joey's voice sounded. I looked up and saw him standing at the end of the table with two cups of coffee in his hands. He set one down in front of me and slipped into the chair across from me, putting his cup up to his lips and taking a sip of the steaming hot beverage.

"Thanks," I mumbled, setting my phone to the side and picking up the paper cup.

The two of us sat in silence for a little before he cleared his throat and said, "So, um, I have a guest bedroom you could sleep in at my apartment." I looked up at him. "You won't have to pay me rent or anything. You can just...stay there."

"Are you sure?" I asked him softly.

"Yeah! Of course. It's the least I can do." The corner of his lip curled up. I smirked and looked down at my drink. I wasn't really thirsty for it and set it back down on the table. Joey gave me a concerned look before saying, "You know, this coffee isn't really all that great anyways," He set his cup of coffee down too and stood up. "I think we should just keep driving, H. We can stop for breakfast in the morning if you're up for it."

"Can we just sit here for a little bit longer?" I begged softly, looking up at him, "I need a little break from the road..." I looked out the window and out of the corner of my eye, I watched him sit back down in his chair. He pulled out his phone and started playing some game. I crossed my arms over my chest and turned my head.

The two of us sat there without saying a word to each other for a good thirty minutes before I told him I thought I was ready to hit the road again. I had convinced him to let me drive, in an attempt to distract me from the constant What if...? thoughts that were in my head.

As I was driving down the dark road, rarely seeing a car pass by, Joey had dozed off, eventually falling asleep. Snoring and drooling, the whole spiel. I looked over at him and I grinned. He looked so cute when he was sleeping. Even with the drool trailing from the corner of his mouth. I returned my attention to the road and made it another mile before my phone started going off in my pocket.

I took my hand off of the wheel, leaving one on there, and dug my hand into my pocket, fishing for my phone. I didn't want the ringing to wake up Joey. I grabbed onto my phone and pressed the answer button, not even seeing who was calling me before putting the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked in a whisper.

"Heather!" Ian's voice sounded on the other end of the line.

"Ian?" I asked, pinning the cellphone between my shoulder and my ear, putting my hand back on the wheel, "Why are you calling me so late?"

"Where are you?" He inquired, completely ignoring my question.

"I don't know," I answered, looking at my surroundings. There were no signs indicating where I was. There was just trees, the road ahead of me, and the star-filled night sky above, the moon shining brightly. "I really don't know."

"Is that Joey guy with you?" He questioned.

I glanced over at Joey and then back out at the road. "Yes...? Why does it matter, Ian?"

"I'm coming for you," He told me. My eyes widened and I instinctively slammed down on the brakes, jerking Joey and I forward. For some weird reason, he remained asleep.

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