Hell On Earth Pt 5

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*hey reader's, hope all is well. I'm back and ready to write, hope you enjoy.*

Kamala POV:

This whole place is terrible. The killing, the torment, the blood, everything. It makes me sick, but I feel like we're the only ones who can stop this "HeadMaster". I hope they know what they're doing....

Daisy: Marcus, what do we do now?

Marcus: we still have to wait....I hope to God that we survive this

Kamala: Shhhh, Demons

Daisy: *whispers* stay low

Mini: *whispers* bad time for them to join

???: Marcus, we're on our way. ETA: 20 minutes

Marcus: got it, we'll wait until then

Kyle: *whispers* you think they see us?

Jasmine: I doubt it

Doreen: *groans*

Kamala: *covers her mouth* shhh

Jeffrey: *whispers* come on....go away already

Demon 1: LET'S GO


Daisy: *sighs in relief* finally

Doreen: what's happening?

Mini: we're just waiting for backup squeaky

Doreen: *chuckles and groans in pain* good one

???: Marcus, are you able to get to the roof?

Marcus: we'll try, no doubt those things will find us though

???: Hurry, we're running low on fuel and ammunition

Marcus: copy that

???: Godspeed people

Kyle: when should we start moving

John: ....now

Daisy: let's go people

Mini: oh yeah motherfu-

John: ....Language

Mini: oh right, children here

Daisy: who's gonna lead the way?

Jasmine: me and John will, since we're....brutal

Jeffrey: lead the way then

Marcus: they should be here by now

Demon 2: THEY'RE HERE!!!! KILL THEM!!!!


Jasmine: oh Great, here they come!

Daisy: we'll get to the chopper

Jasmine: they rest of you, get to the Pad. We'll cover you. Ready John

*DoomSlayer Nods*

While Daisy and the rest of the team heads to the roof top, Jasmine and the Slayer decided to cover them by blowing Demons into pieces

Jasmine decides to get the big demons such as the Hell Knights, Baron of Hell, and the Mancubus.

While the Slayer would distract the smaller demons like the Imps, the Possessed and the Cacodemon.

The Slayer then blasted some rockets into the Cacodemon's mouth, making it explode from the inside. Then he jumps into the air and lands on an Imp, stepping on it's head making it flat on the ground. While the Possessed managed to hit the Slayer in the back, Slayer then slowly turns around and smashes it's head

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