The Arrival

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*Hey guys and girls, I hope you had a good Christmas. I did, anyways like I said, I would create this story. If you don't know what this show is, go check it out on YouTube (of course) it's Marvel Rising Secret Warriors. It's a good show, anyways let's get to reading. I owe nothing, all rights goes to the Creators*

???: They are Rage, Brutal, without Mercy. But you, you will be worse. Rip and Tear, until it is Done.....

*Slayer opens his eyes and looks around*

???: Slayer, wake up. We need to go.

DoomSlayer: *thinks* what the....Vega?

Vega: yes, I'm here thanks to you. Do you remember when you pulled me from the console?

*DoomSlayer nods*

Vega: we need to go, something isn't right.

DoomSlayer: *thinks* ugh, my head. Wait, where am I?

Vega: Seems like we're in....New York....Earth

DoomSlayer: *thinks* this is way different than Argent City.

Vega: uh Slayer, look up.

*DoomSlayer Looks up*

???: Whoa, you look so cool! Who are you?


???: SG, who are you....talking....too *looks at Slayer* uhhhhhhhh

SG: doesn't he look cool!?

???: Looks like a murderer to me, I'm gonna have to bring you in for questioning

Vega: sorry miss, but he says that you can't order him around....another words, No

???: *Growls* I'm not asking!

*DoomSlayer pulls out Combat shotgun*

SG: whoa people, let's chill out here....right Kamala?

Kamala: quick question for you *points at Slayer* what are you doing here?

Vega: he can't speak but I speak for him. He says that we came through a portal after battling a CyberDemon

Kamala: uhhhh, who?

???: What's a "CyberDemon"?

Vega: he wants to know if they can talk somewhere else?

*TimeSkip to Avengers Tower*

Vega: maybe we can do introduction first?

???: Oh right, my name is Doreen Green, also known as SQUIRREL GIRL!!! *Slayer looks at her* too much?

???: Anyways, I'm Daisy Johnson, I'm known as Quake

Kamala: my name is Kamala, I'm known as Ms.Marvel

???: My name is Jeffrey Solomon, but you can call me Patriot

Vega: I am Vega, Slayers personal A.I

Daisy: what does "Slayer" mean?

Vega: you don't know his story? *Others shakes their head No* this might be awhile to explain then

*Timeskip: 2 hours later*

Vega: and that is how we got here and how he got his name *others shocked*

Kamala: ok, I heard some creepy stories. But that is the Creepiest one that I ever heard....and scary

Doreen: that' horrible, all those people....dead

Vega: Even his comrades died, while he was the last one to survive. Wanna show them Slayer? *Pulls out Dog tags* all of his friends....Dead

Daisy: we're sorry, we had no idea what you been through.

Vega: he says "it's his fault that they died"

Jeffrey: Demons.....I knew they were real also, I always thought Hydra were demons. I was wrong.

Vega: he says that he doesn't wanna talk about it anymore

Daisy: since you know our faces, wanna show us yours?

Vega: he doesn't really show his fac-*Slayer nods* he'll show his face

*Slayer twists his head and pulls off helmet*

*Slayer twists his head and pulls off helmet*

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*His face....on the top left corner*

Daisy: *blushing* y-you look g-good

Doreen: oh my God! She has a crush on you

Vega: it seems like it *chuckles*

Kamala: I would have to agree with Daisy, you actually look Good *blushes pink a little*

Vega: he wants to know where he can sleep?

Doreen: oh snap, I'll show you *grabs his hand and walks him upstairs*

Daisy: do you think he might be more older than Captain America, Jeff?

Jeffrey: not sure, he seems to carry the weight of the world on his shoulder.

Kamala: he seems...brutal in combat though.

Daisy: we will find out tomorrow. Let's just leave him be

*With Doreen and Slayer*

Doreen: we can let you have this room

Vega: this is quite beautiful for a room, thank you miss Green

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Vega: this is quite beautiful for a room, thank you miss Green

Doreen: we'll get along just fine, high five? *Slayer shrugs and high fives her* yeah!

Vega: well, he says that he's gonna get some rest.... goodnight Miss Green

Doreen: sounds good, nigh Slayer *closes door*

Vega: I can tell that we're gonna be here for awhile *Slayer nods and takes off armor*

Doreen: *widen eyes and blushes*

Vega: night Slayer *shuts down*

DoomSlayer: *thinks* Night Vega *sleeps*

*So, I hope you people like this part.....I'll be making another tomorrow or something. Anyways, have a blessed day and peace*

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